+ Mercy +



5 years, 6 months ago



NameMercyEars:Cropped (Common)
GenderFemaleTail:Plume (Rare)
AgeUnknownCoat Type:Feral: Dark Shade (Uncommon)
Breeding Slot 1ShaleCoat Length:Medium (Rare)
Breeding Slot 2OdysseeEyes:Yellow (Common)
Breeding Slot 3TEN OPENThemeMercy

A were born from the experiments of humans. Mercy was born as a young pup to a normal family and a normal life. She had 3 sisters and 2 brothers that all loved to tussle around. Everything was fine until she was given away to a new home. Mercy is a very lovable and sweet pup but has trouble controlling her were side when it gets out. Because if this she likes to live in seclusion and is very anti-social. In her wandering she found Shale, the witch dog, and took up a small friendship with him. She also loves helping the fae of the woods and they in turn like her; an odd and unusual relationship.

Lemme stop and explain Mercy's Were side for a minute before continuing. Unlike the normal human turns wolf/canine or vice versa Mercy stays canine in both forms. The "were" term is a referral of crazed beast that turns under certain circumstances and not an complete biological structure change. In her normal form Mercy is just your average fluffy black dog. In her were form she become bigger and more muscle toned, her fur and tail become a bit shaggier and more wild. Her eyes will have a wild shine and her rational normal thought will be locked away leaving only a wild maddened beast behind.


Fun Facts

  • Mercy's eyes can change shades of yellow. The brighter the shade the closer she is to "changing"
  • Noir likes Mercy possibly more than Shale.
  • Shale actually likes Mercy's wild side and has even gotten it under control a few times to interact with it.
  • Mercy still wears the shackles around her legs from when she broke free from the scientists. She keeps them on as a reminder to herself.


  • Helping others
  • Watching Shale work
  • Tea
  • Taking calming walks


  • Her episodes
  • Messes
  • Disrespectful beings
  • Veggies


Mercy was not given to another loving family home but a scientist. This scientist did love her though and everything was fine and well till one day her owner took her to work and gave her over to his coworkers. From there it went downhill. They poked her and prodded her. Gave her different drugs and test; experimenting. They eventually made and grew a monster from their experiments. Mercy was no longer a normal dog but because an out of control were. Blinded by anger and hate towards the ones that hurt and turned her she lashed out. After one such incident they shut down the project and moved Mercy to a locked down safe enclosure. They were unsure of what to do with this thing they had created and were opt to put her out of her misery.

Chained and in misery from her own mind's warring, Mercy cried out and broke free of her bonds. Snapping the chains holding her and tearing out of her confines. She took off into the woods and was never seen or heard from again by the scientists. Here and then a sighting or story would pop up of a large wild beast. Though no one could ever catch or track her.

Shale and Mercy

By this time Mercy had regain control somewhat and she kept herself secluded deep into the woods. She'd made a few friends and loved the company. Her fae friends helped her in controlling her inner beast and she did not have to fear hurting them (they were powerful fae after all). So for years she wandered the forest and enjoyed her peace with her friends.

One day she came upon a cabin in the woods. She was so confused as to why someone would make a house so far into the woods; it was miles and miles away from any village or town. It had been years since she'd met another besides the fae and, forgetting her fear, curiously approached the cabin. As she entered the yard a small winged fox appeared before her and looked at her curiously. It tilted it's head to the side and the jumped on her head. Taken back she backpedaled a bit and gave a startled yip.

"Link! what are you doing to my customers again?!" a voice yelled from the cabin's direction.

Mercy looked towards the voice to find a young male standing in the doorway to the cabin. He wore a deep scowl, which was directed at the fae sitting on her head. Her senses came back in a whoosh and she apologized the the male. He looked and her and frowned, "your fine, it's that rascal on your head that I'd like to turn into a nice garden statue." The fox fae, Link, gave a sound of almost laughter and flew off her head and around the back of the cabin.

The male, which she found out was named Shale, invited her in. She shyly crept after him. Once inside she was in awe at the scene before her. Books, bottles, and jars with labels rested on shelves on every wall, and various things littered the house. Shale flicked his tail at a disheveled pile of books and they suddenly floated up and set themselves neatly to the side. "Sorry for the mess. I uhh, don't normally get visitors or customers much." Mercy just gave him a small smile.

Mercy found out Shale was a witch who lived alone in the cabin with his little familiar fox Noir. Noir loved Mercy and immediately wouldn't stop following her or curling up on her back. Mercy often came back to visit and started to grow to really like Shale and Noir. He never questioned where she came from or even about the shackles still attached to her legs.

One day during one of her visits one of her episodes flared up and she lost control. When she regained herself she was so ashamed and couldn't bare the thought of showing back up at Shale's. But Shale came looking for her. He told her he was surprised and had never seen or met anyone or thing like her, but he wanted her to come back. He told her he'd find a cure or at the very least a better solution to her episodes to control or minimize them.

So now Mercy lives with Shale helping him with his work while they figure out a cure or best solution to her other side.





Shale met Mercy one day and they struck up a close friendship. He found out about Mercy's past and her wild side, but instead of turning her away he offered to help her. He created potions, spells, and ammulets to help keep her other side at bay. Mercy has developed a small crush on him; though she won't dare say anything to him.




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