037 (Sev)



5 years, 5 months ago



Chimera 037

Sex Female
Transmuted on May 13, 1915
Purpose Fighting chimera


Height 32in (81cm) at the shoulder
Length 8ft 6in (259cm) nose to tail
Weight 97lbs (44kg)
Class Mammal

037 is medium-sized, though on the smaller end of the scale. Long, prehensile tail, tufted at the end. Large ears. Large paws. It has short brown fur with tan markings and some spotting on the shoulders and flank.

Other Notable Traits

  • Two sets of upper-canine teeth
  • Tapetum lucidum
  • Three hearts
  • Fast-growing mane


  • Canis familiaris
  • Felis catus
  • Lepus
  • Pteropodidae
  • Didelphidae
  • Crocuta crocuta
  • Homo sapien
The species were not transmuted all at once. Staggering transmutations is a practice we have come to learn leads to more stable chimeras in the long run.


Chimera 037’s behaviors in the ring as well as its transmutation history.


037 is highly intelligent and uses that to make up for its smaller size. It has a lot of stamina and agility and prefers to evade and tire out opponents rather than go for frontal assaults. It is good at picking out weak points in others and once it does tire them, will often go directly for killing or incapacitating blows. On the occasions its opponent can match in stamina or agility, 037 may be forced to attack outright; in these situations, its ability to find weak points remains its best chance of winning.


The first transmutation simply combined dog, cat and rabbit. It was obedient like a dog, lithe like a cat, and cautious like a rabbit, which was a good base to add on to. The second transmutation added the girl. This added the intelligence we were hoping for; the chimera was now able to strategize and was much more successful in fights, though we knew more could be done to stack the odds in our favor. The third and final transmutation added bat, opossum, and spotted hyena. This gave 037 a bit more edge with its senses, as well as more strength and damage capability. (Hyena bite force is strong enough to shatter bone! Incredible!)

Sev’s Relationships (Penned by Vince)


Elric Brothers

Edward and Alphonse were the ones to release Sev from her cage, and as such, she seems to have grown rather attached to them. This doesn’t protect them from harm if she gets startled or is simply less lucid- though it should be noted that in those situations one of the brothers would be most likely to break her from her panic. She will rarely stray far from one or the other, and of everyone she’s been introduced to, she is still most comfortable with physical contact from them.


Mustang’s Team

Sev seems relatively comfortable with most of Mustang’s group, though she’s definitely more indifferent to most of them than the Elrics. More notable interactions are with Lieutenant Havoc, who she seems to want to interact with more at times (I’ve been told he was the one who initially found and talked to her) but I think the strong scent of cigarettes on him makes her unwilling to get close to him most of the time, given how sensitive her nose must be. She also gets along surprisingly well with Riza’s dog, Black Hayate, and is often pulled into play by him, which is very good.


Vincent Valdis

Sev doesn’t really care much for me, which isn’t really surprising, given how “whitecoats” treated her in the past. Our first interaction was… regrettably less-than-pleasant, as I didn’t treat her with the respect she deserved and I ended up paying for that with a nasty bite. I can’t say I blame her for it, honestly. We haven’t had any repeats of the incident, however, and more recently she seems to be slowly warming up to me, though I have no intention of trying to rush her in that regard. The Elrics are taking good care of her, and her recovery and health is more important to me than whether or not she likes me personally.


Sev is recovering well, and is looking less and less nervous with every visit. She still struggles to stay in a more human frame of mind, what with all her different animal instincts trying to overtake her rational thoughts, but it seems to be getting easier. Soon she should be well enough for the Elrics to begin attempting to reverse the horrible transmutations that she was subjected to. For that, I wish them the best of luck.

General Notes

Things we have learned about Sev during her time with the Elrics.


Sev is skittish, especially around people she doesn’t know well, though notably she seems most afraid of large men (though she has seemed to finally warm up more to Major Armstrong over time); I can only assume due to being manhandled often during her time in the ring. Once she’s used to a person, however, her real personality and quirks are allowed to shine through. Sev is very curious and has turned out to be very playful. She adores the outdoors (...unsurprising) and recently seems to have befriended the ravens that live on the Armstrong estate, going as far as sharing her food with them, which is quite impressive, given how food-motivated she is.

Things Sev Enjoys

Sev loves soft things like pillows and blankets and will often bury herself in them if given the chance. She also loves plush toys, and will more often than not be seen carrying one around. Her favorite seems to be a rabbit she found. Sev loves music and will sit and listen to it for hours on end. She seems particularly fond of the piano and will sometimes sit next to it until someone comes and obliges her by playing. Very occasionally she will “sing”, or at the very least, do her closest approximation of it. As mentioned previously, she is very food motivated, and recently has developed a major sweet tooth, meaning no unattended sweets are safe, given how easy it is for her to get onto counters and tables. Luckily we have yet to come across anything that makes her sick.


Links to read the fanfictions featuring Sev as well as a link to her playlist