Zuriel Dara



5 years, 6 months ago



Name Zuriel Dara
Age 19
Height 5'6" ft
Species Spiritus Oris
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Pansexual
Masterlist Entry MYO 181
Occupation Concession Worker

Designer ink-palette
Worth $10


Zuriel is sweet and has a good heart. He always tries to find the good in someone and he doesn't believe that anyone is truly evil, only misguided. Despite this, he has very low self-esteem. He thinks very lowly of himself and his ablities as a person. He often criticizes himself harshly.


  • Common - 1 Hair Mouth
  • Common - 2 Eyes
  • Common - Devil Tail
  • Common - Broken Horns
  • Common - Hovering Horns
  • Common - Glass Body
  • Common - Liquid Teeth
  • Uncommon - Snake Tongue
  • Rare - Animal Legs
  • Rare - Pixie Ears
  • Legendary - Mouth on Body Parts


  • His spirit mouths are named Loo [hair mouth] and Bub [torso mouth] theyre both dicks. They're as harsh towards him as he is to himself.
  • Bub opening its mouth results in zuriel breaking his back.
  • He has a very strong healing ability but healing feels as bad as how the injury felt when it was inflicted.
  • He's extremely regretful for how he's lived his life and wishes he can do more.


Zuriel was once just a regular human. He was raised in a religous household. He had a handful of sibligs living with him along with his parents, and he was definitely not the favorite child. Unlike his siblings who seem to have it all together, he didn't have any plans in life, he didn't have any big dreams, he was more of a living-in-the-moment kind of guy.

He was in high school when it started. He didn't have many friends then. He didn't feel any sort of attachment to them anyway. He didn't have any long lasting group of friends, they usually all disperse by the next year and it will be the same for this one. They wanted adventure, and they've heard of the rumors of a girl being possessed in a way. Zuriel was definitely skeptical, but he came along with his friend group to watch this 'exorcism' for the poor girl. It was nothing special, Lady acts crazy, priest says a few things and it's all good. He thought it was just an act, especially since it was in public.

In a few weeks, he started to hear voices in his head that weren't his. His appearance was gradually becoming strange. It was sublte at first. Finding pink hair in his brush, seeing as if his pupils were changing shape. It was nothing he couldn't hide under a beanie and some bangs. It started to become harder to hide when major changes in his body began to change. He was growing a tail, horns sprouted from his head and his legs was becoming horse-like. The teeth scared him the most, it was in his hair and on his torso and it was almost like they were speaking to him. He thought he was going crazy. His life went downhill fast the second his family found out. He was shamed, threatened and isolated. They forced exorcisms on him but it never worked. He took all of their maltreatment with gratitude, thinking that they're just helping. They looked at him as if he were a demon and he felt the same.

He was shameful for his appearance and he feared his own body. He ran away from home shortly after, not wanting his family to bear his presence any longer.

Yazmin sister figure

Yazmin helped Zuriel have a food and shelter after he ran away from home. He's very grateful for her help. He feels really bad as he doesn't think he deserves it, so he does help around the house as much as he can. He looks at her as if she were an older sister he's never had.

Yumin brother figure

Yumin is someone Zuriel lives with! He's pretty happy that Yumin doesn't mind that he's living in with them and he's extremely grateful.

Lucy friend/co-worker

Zuriel just thinks Lucy is mean, but he still tries to interact with her because he feels like they can relate in a way.