Aimi Aisaka



Name Aisaka Aimi
Age 21
Birthday 02/14
Gender Female
Height 5'6"
Talent Matchmaker
Sexuality Pansexual
first game 06/2018
Pinterest here
Playlist here
Likes & Dislikes
  • Anything pink
  • Being doted on
  • deco nails
  • kitsch earrings
  • The outdoors
  • inferiority
  • french toast
  • frogs

A girl in love with love, Aimi Aisaka is here to find your heart a home..!

Morbi diam enim, vestibulum vel ullamcorper dapibus, ultrices eu nibh. Donec facilisis velit a quam feugiat, quis faucibus est dapibus. Morbi at euismod dui, a commodo sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Duis dapibus metus quis venenatis hendrerit. Donec turpis augue, feugiat quis neque et, venenatis porttitor quam. Nam accumsan lobortis tincidunt. Sed felis dui, condimentum non luctus ac, tristique non nisi.

Hideki Kitao [ Childhood Friend ]

Aimi's lifelong best friend. They were close when they were very young, but due to a miscommunication when Aimi moved away, they developed a rift in their relationship. They've patched over it now, but still joke about it with eachother from time to time, like how they joke about when they promised to marry eachother when they were kids.

Hideki is the most important person in Aimi's life. There's nothing she wouldn't do for him.

Macko Lyott [ Lonely Hearts Club ]

Aimi's personal confidant. No-one gossipped better than Macko, or could match his dry wit. The group slowly desolved as everyone found partners, and they don't talk much anymore, but Aimi still thinks of Macko as a good friend.

Daniel Hale [ Lonely Hearts Club ]

One of the only people who was ever really honest with Aimi. They used to be pretty good friends until their group dissolved, but she checks in on him occasionally. Sometimes when she knows rent is tight, she anonymously donates money to his paypal to make things work.

??? [ ??? ]

