Onyx Zwou



5 years, 6 months ago


onyx zwou is a crysellian raised off from their species' home planet, katoikia. while crysellians tend to find organic beings disgusting, onyx was perfectly fine with them, mingling with their ranks and having a good time overall hanging out with them. onyx is incredibly intelligent, and soon found themselves joining the ambassador ranks of the crysellian people. side by side, they worked with their friend and sibling, aletheia, who often pushed onyx away, not understanding organic concepts such as family. aletheia grew more tolerant and understanding of onyx's beliefs over time, though.

... though onyx made a mistake one day, and that mistake had them labelled as a murderer and criminal. terrified for their life after being lied to and used as though a tool, onyx fled into deep space, hiding amongst organics in the hopes that their people will not find them again.

they can only pray that aletheia is alright.

full name: onyx zwou

age: 500+

species: crysellian

gender: nonbinary (any pronouns)

height: 7'1"

sexuality: pansexual