
5 years, 6 months ago


Species: Starsweeper

Sex: Female  

Status: 'Taken' by my stardasher Lorelei, Open relationship, but Lorelei is number 1 to Prim  

Job: Drug cartel/mob boss (Lori doesn't know shhhhhush) 

Clothing: Victorian era bustle dresses to show off her wealth. But when with Lori tends to wear more relaxed clothing.

Prim is a beautiful, confident starsweeper, who has a very dark side. Growing up as an orphan, she quickly took to smuggling drugs into cities. She quickly rose to the top of the food chain, and now runs a very successful, very much illegal drug cartel. She doesn't mind breaking a few legs to get what she wants

Prim met Lori by accident. After nearly getting assasinated (again) while on holidays in a city, she decided to go to a more seculded spot out in dense forests. While picking some rare mushrooms, she found a very meek Lorelei, and the rest is history.