Prim's Comments

dayum i love all the art you have been getting <3

Hey whats up! Thank you 

Haven't seen you on DA for a bit, hows things?

I felt a bit awkward commenting on dA after some stuff happened. While I feel more at peace now, but I'm still giving baby steps commenting on TH instead lol. Things are bit rough at home, but other than missing christmas two years in a row, I think I'll do fine.

Oh no what could have happened on DA?? 

I'm really sorry about the home stuff, its hard to get stuff done when your environment is rough. Hope things turn out better 

Does your family not celebrate christmas?

I'll tell you in PM, I think I made enough drama as it is lol.

We do, but last christmas we got evicted so we put all the money into finding a new home instead, and now we got into money troubles again. I guess attending to christmas mass counts though so I shouldn't be so ungrateful. But other than that we couldnt afford a tree or gifts or a fancy dinner, etc. Last december we bought $6 in tacos and called it a night lol.

Oh dear I'm really sorry to hear that :( I hope that everything gets better for next year