


5 years, 7 months ago



Age600~ (20)
SpeciesHuman Reaper
Quote"It's fine, really."
- Friends call him Mal
- On his right hand, he is missing half of his ring and pinky fingers

- Arms and legs are skeletal         

- He has a small, odd scar on the back of his neck he doesn't like to talk about


Malakai is a kindly reaper who died hundreds of years ago due to a plague. He was always very gentle and considerate, with a strong soul and a beautiful singing voice. Upon his death he was a prime candidate for becoming a reaper, despite being younger than most, and quickly grew his way up to becoming one of the most skilled in the Realm.

When an aid was discovered that ceased a reaper's natural cycle for becoming skeletal, Malakai opted to take it even though he was partially deteriorated on his limbs. By doing this he's become a permanent 'half-skin,' a trait which is seen by fewer and fewer reapers all the time. It's not a commonly liked feature now, but Malakai was well respected enough that for a long time this hardly had any change on his reputation. 

Unfortunately, reapers are not meant to be kept in a half-skin state, and his soul energy had since become unstable and dangerous. There are times where it has disconnected him from his hold on the Realm entirely and left him stranded in the Overworld for short periods of time. Subsequently, due to this there was an incident where Malakai was stuck in the Overworld for nearly a year. When he returned he was not the same. He was fearful and closed off, and struggled for a long time to gain any sense of his previous confidence back. Since then, Mal has had a harder time taking care of himself, often looking unkempt and sickly and refusing close contact with others. 

Shortly after his ordeal in the Overworld, Mal had an outburst which critically wounded a fellow reaper. This caused many others to fear him, thinking he'd become corrupted and was a danger to those around him. He'd lost most of his status and was demoted to a B-Class reaper.

The public opinion on him is mixed; there are many who worry for him and many who have grown to dislike him. Both sides do agree that, if he doesn't change something soon, he is a disaster waiting to happen.

Malakai struggles with such inner thoughts immensely.

  • Coffee
  • Singing, music
  • Mystery novels
  • Soft things
  • Plants
  • Dogs
  • Violence
  • Disappointing others
  • Having his hair touched