Tye (gorgon AU)



3 years, 3 months ago


Tye Lancaster
Nickname Tye
Age Info
Height Info
Weight Info
Species gorgon vampire hybrid
Gender afab male
Pronouns he/him
Orientation bi
Theme Song

Relationship Status taken
Occupation annoying everyone
Home city skye

Skin #000000
Hair #000000
Eyes #000000
Shirt #000000
Pants #000000
  • Can disguise snakes as regular hair using magic
  • Snakes have their own lil braincells plus the collective that is Tye's
  • He's blind! He can see shapes and colors but that's it
  • Uses heightened vampire senses to get around without his snakes. They help him navigate when he lets them free
  • His pride makes him hide the fact he's blind
  • The only people who know hes a gorgon hybrid are his family and Jules
  • Aenean vulputate, justo sed vulputate ullamcorper, massa sem consequat augue, eu cursus ligula leo sagittis ipsum.
  • Proin faucibus vulputate quam sollicitudin molestie.
  • Pellentesque sollicitudin erat tempor, auctor magna non, tincidunt orci.
  • Maecenas suscipit ac libero sed bibendum.



Tye is a half gorgon half witch along with his identical twin sister Elyssia. His dad's from a prestigious witch line that specializes in a rare healing magic. His mom was a blind gorgon who got too close to the human's village. yeehaw. wine i hope ur reading this

The humans decided to move in pretty close to the gorgons city and cause Problems. MANY border debates ensue and plenty of fighting between the groups, depending on if their leaders of the time have any idea what diplomacy is. Gorgons have hypnosis magic and have the ability to turn people to stone with direct mutual eye contact. Humans don't know HOW gorgons do this spell they just know its Very Bad so they decided to remove gorgons eyes! Then after the legends of Medusa they decided to also hunt down gorgons and take their heads! Not all gorgons can do the stone spell, they need perfect eyesight and direct mutual eye contact along with a good hypnosis skill. Not many of them have perfect eyesight!

Tye's dad has a thing for gorgons apparently because he fell in love with Tye and Lyssa's mom and had kids! Except he didn't know about them when he left her. He got dragged off back to his village to become the herbalist and general doctor after his mom, along with getting married to a normal human. He was kept really busy with his new jobs so he didn't get any chances to sneak off to his hidden snake wifey. Eventually members of the village find her and the twins and are like huh, these kids kinda look like Lancasters (vitiligo + white hair patch is genetic) and bring them back. Hands these twins over to their dad like yeah we know these are yours, raise them they might be cool to have around. Their mom is stalking the village outskirts, wanting her kids back but not making a move to get them hurt. Eventually they let her in because eyeless gorgons aren't much of a danger.

Once Tye's dad became the village leader, they created a hesitant peace with the gorgons nearby. Jorah was VERY good at diplomacy and having half gorgon kids definitely helped everyone believe he actually wanted peace. Once the twins were around 23 a squad of nasty vamps decided to try and wipe out the human village. Thanks to the peace with the gorgons, they also joined in the fight and the humans weren't wiped out completely! But a bunch of them were turned or killed. Tye, Lyssa, Ciri (their half sister) and their dad were all included in the ones who were turned. Turning into a vampire fixes a lot of injuries but does nothing for anything that isn't fresh. Blindness or missing limbs are some of the things that aren't magically cured by vampire healing if it was before becoming a vampire. So Tye and Lyssa are still blind but they can get around much easier with their other senses once they're boosted by vampirism.

Gorgon abilities: paralysis venom in their snakes' fangs and their own. They have retractable fangs that pop out of their gums and overlay the 2 top teeth between their incisors and very front teeth. These fangs are thicker than vampire fangs and hollow so they can inject venom into the bite. The paralysis only lasts about an hour and is used most often for self defense. They can track down things and navigate using their snakes, along with being able to magically change their snakes' length. All gorgons have more powerful magic than witches since they're naturally magical creatures. Vampire/gorgon hybrids have minimal magical ability, compared to no magic ability in regular vampires.