


5 years, 6 months ago



Vendetta mostly known as the heartbroken cupid

One day, she was sent to earth to make her first mission, but she fell in a beautiful forest where unknown folk lived and had a peaceful life. They thought Vendetta was a intruder and wanted to steal their goods so a witch cursed her and both of her wings turned into a big useless wing that now is her tail and now she cant come back to heaven.

Vendetta escaped from the forest and accidently got in a nice village with cheerful and kind villagers so she decided to ask for help to see if anyone could fix her wings, but when she was walking in the main square she saw the most beautiful and perfect man and she instantly fell in love for him,a lot of girls liked him but he was the typical bad boy that wouldnt love you or be kind to you in any way. She would do everything he asked for just to get a simple pat in the head or a "good job little one".

She tought it was time to get things going,she broke her halo into two rings and asked him out,surprisingly he accepted but she didnt know what was coming. She slept with him and in the next day she didnt find him anymore, he was gone and she spend the next weeks crying and blaming herself. Everyone knew what happend and they would call her the heartbroken cupid,she didnt like it and it made she fell worse so she traveled to another village and is hoping for things to get better.

Now she spends her life taking care of her cats,cooking for other people and giving gifts to children, she hopes someday she will find her true love.

full name vendetta galora
age 18
d.o.b january 1
nationality heaven
orientation bisexual
relationship single
pronouns she/her
height 165cm / 5'4
weight 140 pounds
build hourglass, fit
hair colour dark pink
hair style pomade with modern ducktail
eye colour light greyish green
skin tone pale
dominant hand right
blood type O
strengths casting spells & curses
weaknesses physical combat
alignment neutral good
anger type vengeful
schemata mistrust
intelligence type intra-personal
IQ 134
phobias none
hometown heaven
languages english, portuguese
social class middle class
education standard education
mother alive, bad relationship
fatheralive, bad relationship
siblings unknown
children none
pets 4 cats
smokes no
drinks no
drugs no
addictions cats and cooking
illnesses none
medicationsanxiety pills
habits talking to plants or cats
hobbies petting cats
hogwarts house slytherin
archetype caregiver
vice envy
virtue mercy
element water
hero no one
music type pop
foods sweet
currently taking care of plants