




  • teddy w. graham
  • cismale (he/him)
  • anthropoid corgi
  • twenty-three y/o
  • five foot six inches
  • seventy-four kg
  • bisexual/romantic
  • september twentieth


  • Teddy is someone who is considered an odd one by many others; he can be either benevolent or a tad bit mean-spirited, certain contributors will indicate how his mood or persona will play out. He has his good days and he has his bad days, but his better days are more significant and last longer. Is he mentally ill? Most likely no, but he certainly is strange, he says this even himself. Most of the time, Teddy is kind, humble and shows his respect for people in great amounts. He's willing to help out anyone if he deems they absolutely need it, and can be easily skeptical of their situations. Even though he would make the decision of not helping them, whether it be a financial situation or family issues, he would give them tips and advice on how to improve and get rid of their problem. Those who he chooses to assist are usually close friends and family; hell, even Teddy wouldn't help some other relative if they never even had a strong bond with him. Call him abrasive? Sure, but he holds his word.
  • Whenever he's having a bad day, Teddy usually prefers to be alone for a while to cool down and collect himself. Sometimes he'd want the attention of someone else, but only sometimes, he isn't one to pour out his feelings to another often, making him somewhat difficult to try and reassure and comfort. He only opens up to those he truly trusts, but even that is rare. It's unhealthy for him to keep his feelings balled up and accumulating within his mental all the time, but Teddy knows of ways to deal with his sorrow. One way is to go out and try to have fun and find some inner bliss with the activities and things he really enjoys doing, and mainly one of these activities is skateboarding. With his cruiser skateboard, he travels out to the park and tries to skate his inner pain away. Having a lot of emotional problems in hand, he does go skating quite often, whether it be by himself or with Caine, a very close friend of his. He's very good at what he does as said by a lot of people who observe him at the skate park he always goes to, sometimes applauding him whenever he's finish for the day. Teddy proudly takes the praise, which always makes him feel warm inside and brightens him up a tad bit.


  • Teddy was born during one cold september morning in Montreal at a nearby hospital that was only a while away from where his family lived. He was the son of a wealthy doctor, his mother, and an average crab fisherman, his father.  During his early years, Teddy came up with a couple of respiratory problems as a young pup, meaning that he was forced to stay with his mother who took time off from her work to care for him and give him love. He was a strong boy his mother would always say and he would never let his health issues get the best of him. During the weekends, he would go outside straight from school to play in the backyard of his mother's house. He always enjoyed being outdoors, liking to pick lovely daisies and dandelions; splash in the murky mud and play in the watery mess that was melted snow -- his mother always disapproving of this behavior of his and carrying him immediately to the bath after deciding to head in for the day. Sometimes he'd even sneak pretty rocks and flowers he'd discover from the outdoors into his room, but since his mother is a neat freak and cleans the house pretty often -- he never manages to keep them for long. 
  • Growing up, he never really made any other friends aside from the ones that he easily gained in the first to third grade, the people who were charmed by his wild nature and outdoorsy spirit. People had began to pick on him in middle school when he continuously came to school with dirt in his fur that he would struggle to get out and just looking like a mess of a person. This only really happened when he went over to his father's house to stay, they would always go outdoors together when he'd arrive from school and go fishing by the river that was nearby his bungalow. Of course fishing easily became a favorite hobby and activity of Teddy, but he never really continued on with it as he aged more and more -- his old fishing rod still somewhere in the closet of his room. They would also occasionally go somewhere else to catch crabs near the ocean, but this always made his mother upset since it was a very long distance away from home -- Teddy never really had a problem with it. 

  • When he was around fourteen years old, his mother and father's relationship had significantly faltered in some way, and sometimes he'd get caught up within the two. His mother would always want him to stay home with her but his father also wanted the same, both wanting their son to stay in one place and one place only. These sorts of things upset him deeply, and eventually, Teddy fell into a time of agony and grief -- one of his close relatives having passed away during this year. He'd become more sensitive to the teasing and picking that his peers at school would do, his friendships and other relationships failing as he neglected putting time and actually talking to them, and he'd become unfocused and would fail to turn assignments in on time as he would put them off to a later date, never really getting them done. During most of this period, he'd go and whine about in his bed at whatever house he'd currently live at. He was unenthusiastic for a really long time during this period, not really ever getting the full enjoyment out of doing his favorite things anymore. Upon seeing him this way, one day his father reached into the closet in his room and pulled out an old cruiser skateboard, claiming that it was once his and that he never really used it anymore since he was getting older, deciding to give it to him in hopes of lifting his spirits. Teddy was surprised, but touched; the skateboard eventually became one of his most valuable items in his life.

  • Once he received his dad's old skateboard, he made a vow that he'd practice and try to become as good as his dad was. Coming from school every afternoon, he'd always head to the park with his dad to train, who would always give him techniques and exercises to try out. Eventually, day after day became month after month, and Teddy had improved greatly in this sport -- but his dad would always say he was a natural right from the start as if genetics carried talent on. Teddy never really did skateboarding professionally, not too big on it and seeing it as only a way to cheer him up during darker days -- his father then moved on to another sport, baseball. Teddy had actually done baseball when he was a little boy but he stopped when he entered junior high, though his father introduced it to him again and he learned all his previous training and some more. He had taken a liking to the sport, deciding to sign up at his school after a while of training. Teddy instantly became one of the best players, surprising his classmates and those who would think negatively of him. After seeing that he had talent, they became more fond of him and eventually the picking had subsided -- but that didn't mean Teddy had grown to like them back.

  • During high school, Teddy had experimented with some other sports after taking a break from baseball for a while. Soon enough, he stumbled upon snowboarding and immediately became intrigued by it. It was said to be quite dangerous, but Teddy was never really intimated by those statistics -- he decided to get a board one day after raising enough money to head out to the hills during the winter to practice. Unlike his experiences with other sports, snowboarding was actually quite difficult to Teddy and he had been unable to learn on his own, eventually gaining the attention of someone who was experienced with the sport to let them train him. With the assistance of his trainer, he became better and had become more interested with snowboarding than ever -- once wanting to head to the big leagues or maybe even compete in the Olympics, but he knew he was way in over his head. 

  • When the spring returned, Teddy continued with  baseball  as the snow melted off. Because he had became experienced, Teddy never really became rusty and he jumped right back into the sport with ease and no need for training. Life was becoming better for him, but he still was in pain from the negative relationship that was happening between his mother and father, but he had eventually learned to ignore those sorts of things. One day when he first returned to the skateboard park, Teddy was on his skateboard and attempting a few difficult tricks when he misplaced his foot and ended up tripping on his skateboard and probably falling on his face -- he had been assisted by someone who was to befriend in the future. His name was Caine, an australian shepherd with border collie in his blood that also had an obsession with skateboarding, just like him. He couldn't help but feel a bit dazed and ditsy around the shepherd, a new profound feeling that he had never encounter until that moment, but he would try to walk it off like it was nothing.  Caine was really nice, making him easy to be around and Teddy would occasionally see him at the park with his skateboard in hand; sometimes missing him when he wasn't there . . .

  • Life became quite a blur for him after that; he felt more at ease and better, his mother and father may had never gotten back together but they were getting better and becoming happier, spending time with him whenever they were able to. Eventually, Teddy moved away from his home and rented an apartment out in the States that was a few minutes away from a college that he is attending. He decided not to go on with sports and make a living out of it, but he decided to go with journalism -- even if it may not be something he's truly interested in. One of his good friends moved into his apartment as a roommate, Michelangelo, after he needed some time away from home. He still hangs out with Caine a lot, the feeling had faded from when he first met him luckily.


  • CAINE -- Despite meeting him in an uncomfortable situation a while back when he was still in high school, the two have become the best of friends ever since then. Teddy might have even had a crush on him back then, but the feeling has long faded from him as he learned how to hide his feelings better. Has he moved on from this crush? Perhaps, but he couldn't help who he was attracted to and attractions don't really leave him too easily. The two always go out together to the skate park and hang out or any other place really. Often, Caine goes to him to vent about his feelings and problems, and Teddy would try to comfort him the best he can. Has he ever vented about his feelings to Caine, however? Sometimes, but he'd never really tell him everything that he feels even if he is, in fact, a very close friend. 
  • MICHELANGELO -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc imperdiet, massa sit amet faucibus faucibus, massa felis tristique eros, vitae congue diam lacus eget nibh. Nulla placerat tortor ac tincidunt mollis. In rutrum purus vel enim laoreet lacinia. Phasellus mollis ex ut nibh egestas ornare in quis leo. Cras lacinia tortor sit amet metus venenatis fermentum. Vestibulum gravida enim eu quam porttitor commodo. Nullam quis sodales nisi. Nam accumsan eros vitae ex ultrices, sit amet venenatis dolor dignissim. Vestibulum vel lorem metus. Maecenas id nisl non tellus eleifend interdum. Proin hendrerit nulla in augue condimentum ornare. Proin erat elit, elementum eget viverra vitae, ultricies at quam. Mauris convallis elit id enim vehicula, eu hendrerit orci tempor. Fusce interdum sollicitudin nulla. Nullam in mi risus.