Eliyssa's Comments

Thanks for this opportunity! I like to take my time when picking out characters’ names, especially if it’s integral to their story, so I’ll have Eliyssa’s current name act as a placeholder for now. 

Eliyssa is the eldest in a bloodline of witches and the gatekeeper between the real world and the “other side”, a plane of existence with creatures, monsters, the dead that have yet to move on, and everything in between. She usually spends her days tending to her garden of valuable ingredients, helping rouge spirits lost in the human world find their way back to the “other side”, and in general doing normal, everyday things. She is the grandmother of two, with one following in her footsteps and the other not knowing of the “other side”’s existence. Her relatively youthful appearance is due to pure luck and maybe a little bit of magic (don’t tell anyone her secret!), though her personality has not dwindled with age; she’s still a kind person who’s not afraid to get her hands dirty for the sake of adventure or experience. Now that she’s older, however, much of her spare time is being spent teaching and transitioning her responsibilities to her granddaughter, of whom will soon take Eliyssa’s place as the head witch of the family. 

That is, unless something terrible happens to Eliyssa before then...

Oh gosh, I wanted this pretty gal a while back and missed her in the bin! She is so stunning!

Name: Renae Maeven

Gender: Female - She/Her

Orientation: Pansexual

Age: 22

Personality: strong, independent, can be cold at first, but is extremely kind to her close friends. Will do anything in her power to help people in need, but doesn't wanted to be credited with such, she likes to do kind things anonymously, very creative and artistic

Backstory: Renae grew up in a single parent household with her mother. She was very driven and loved school until she reached middle school, that's when the bullying began. She was picked on for only having a mom, for the clothes she wore, and for her orientation. She dealt with a lot of anxiety and depression, but found a creative outlet that helped stifle these issues. She started writing her own little comics and really getting into storyboarding. She would tell fantastical tales about her school and those that inhabited it (although in her comics, the school was a castle and her peers were goblins and orcs and various other monstrosities). She never wrote about harming these monsters though, she instead wrote about their personal struggles and why they felt the need to treat the main character, a little bunny mage, much like herself in appearance and overall character, so badly. She would help them overcome their problems and at the end of the series, she became friends with all the monsters. She ended up self publishing her comics in high school and received awards for her storytelling and artwork, and many of her former classmates apologized for the way they treated her in middle school after noticing the parallels to real life. Renae was proud of herself and continues to write different comics to help people to this day.

Thanks for the amazing opportunity! <3