Rita Starnitzky



5 years, 6 months ago


Rita Starnitzky

"Introducing, the most flexible girl in the midwest.... Rubber Rita Starnitzky!"
Basic Info

Name [Rita Starnitzky]
Age [19]
5'4" [5'3"]
Weight [115]
Gender [Female]
Species Dainty
Dictionary # [Guest Dainty 101]
Ear Type [Skunk]
Hoof Type [Pony]
Occupation [Contortionist/Bookkeeper]
Orientation [Bisexual]
Host | S/O [Baron Vittorio Vale]
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • pretty much always wears her glasses
  • Has a polka dotted leotard that's her 'work' outfit
  • Carefully arranges her black and white hair into a ponytail
  • Has pale pink eyes

  • Comes from a version of 1950's Wisconsin where danties were a fact of life.
  • Incredibly Flexible
  • Reads books of magic wardrobes and wizards
  • Is a great singer, but...someone else has that job
  • Her favorite drink is iced tea and her spit is Earl Gray flavored
  • Wants to be showered in rare books and affection
  • Knows the ins and outs of the circus

Somewhere between bubbly and bookish, Rita ran away from her stodgy home life to join the circus and it's oddities as part of her desire to flee to some magical land like the heroines of her favorite books. Rita is a sweethearted girl , who loves to sing and dance and practice her contortionist's craft to keep her place as a popular attraction. For all that she loves the spotlight, friends, and activity, she also likes the quiet moments. those moments where she can back away from the excitement of the circus, and snuggle into a pile of blankets with a lamp and just...read. Though deep down, she wishes she had someone to snuggle against while she did.


  • Old Books
  • Candy Apples and Cider
  • Sock Hops
  • Her circus-mates

  • Being run out of town
  • Interruptions while reading
  • Small Minded Towns
  • Insects
  • 'shock' fiction

In Rita's home dimension, the Dainty species had come to earth in the early 1920's, where they made first contact with the rather surprised human race. First contact was a messy affair, with most reacting with fear and confusion at the idea of these beings from beyond the stars. Like something out of a B-Movie, the military was called in. There was drama, crooked politicians, someone wanted to shut down the bowling alley, and somewhere within there, there was a love story between the Dainty Invader, and a human teen. As more dainties came to Earth, and the fear began to change into something more commonplace, the story of first contact became the subject of campy films and romance novels. But for Rita, it was just family history. Family history she had to hear again and again, and again in her small town. Bored, she started to read of other people's grand adventures in books. It was when she was immersed in worlds of fantasy that the circus came to town.

The Circ Méchant blew into town like a ghost train in the night. One morning it stood in the field, surrounded by a tall canvas wall plastered with posters that fluttered in the wind and advertised the clown troupe, the acrobats, the games of chance. Fortune told to you by a living doll. Oddities that would boggle the mind. And Rita saw a place to finally see some of the excitement she always wanted. What could be more romantic than running away and joining the circus? So she ran. And she found Ringmaster Hearswith, who welcomed her into the bright and vibrant of cotton candy and clowns. Rita quickly found she fit in among the oddballs and misfits of the circus...the Ringmaster was even one of her own kind. And so her life within the circus began. But she had to find a place within it.

Rita started her time in the circus as a bit of a bookkeeper for Hearswith, who's organizational skills were...well suited to having someone else step in and do a better job. From there, she worked among the games, drawing people in and getting them to play. But it was after one of the many times she snuck away to read in one of the circus trains that her true skills were discovered. Rita... is incredibly flexible. And her flexibility was turned into one of the center stage attractions as 'Rubber' Rita , the contortionist and acrobat. As the circus stepped between worlds, and brought her into the spotlight, Rita couldn't help but feel as if she finally found the place where she belongs. Despite her occasional spats with the ringmaster, or the utterly obnoxious devils who act as the main carnies, and her desire to slip off to read one of her fantasy novels and dream away a few hours...despite all that, she's at home in the circus.


Incubus and dangerous charmer, He was like a villain straight out of her favorite storybooks