Nadia Storm



5 years, 6 months ago


  • Nadia Storm

  • Role Primary Character
  • Age 55
  • Gender Female
  • Sexuality Homosexual
  • Race African American
  • Occupation Magical Girl
  • Location Ficta, Pennsylvania

"Eyy, where the party at?"


  • Nadia is a playful and outgoing type of gal with a yo-let’s-get-lit-tonight kind of attitude.
  • She likes to experience life to the fullest by either traveling as much as she can or binge watching as many shows as she can and is the type of person to sometimes try new and reckless things for the fun of it.
  • She’s also sassy, loud, tends to curse a lot in her speech, and likes to talk shit when sharing some gossip with her roommate Monique.
  • Nadia’s a bit more on the wild side and tends to be impulsive and reckless sometimes. As a result, she has a bad habit of disregarding her own health, not that much can damage her anyway as a magical girl.


  • Watching trashy reality TV dramas
  • Baking
  • Traveling
  • Singing


  • Like all magical girls, Nadia doesn’t need to eat or drink anything. She doesn’t need food or water to survive. But she can get tired and will need to rest by either doing a leisure activity, sleeping, or doing nothing at all.
  • However, despite not needing to eat or drink anything, she still likes to eat and drink anyway. Nadia especially likes to munch on junk food and desserts since it’ll have no impact on her body in the long run. As a magical girl, if her body can’t be affected by bullets and stab wounds, then it can’t be affected by or develop high cholesterol and diabetes either.
  • She likes to hum a song from a musical or just a random song that she likes whenever she’s busy doing something. She could be doing anything while humming, whether it’s taking a walk outside or before she’s about to go to sleep if she does decide to sleep.
  • Nadia smokes and drinks. She does tobacco, weed, and hard liquor on bad days.
  • She’s the type of drunk that likes to brood over past mistakes and cry a lot. Prepare for some waterworks because she’s an emotional rollercoaster if you get her drunk enough.
  • She knows some French and was able to learn it over the years. Though she’s not fluent, she knows the basics, knows enough to get around.


DoB:April 20th, 1964
Origin:New Orleans, Louisiana
Height:5’7” ft tall
Build:She has a tall, curvy, and rounded figure. Nadia has a bit of chub in her stomach and bust area.
  • movies and shows
  • ice cream, her all-time favorite dessert
  • singing and maybe even dancing, though she’s bad at dancing
  • listening to musicals
  • being bossed around
  • cleaning, even if it’s required in order to see the floor
  • doing taxes
  • origami and other types of arts and crafts that she deems boring and not exciting enough

Magic Type

  • Nadia uses light magic, which is one out of the two types of magic out there that exist.
  • There’s dark magic and then there’s light magic. Light magic is the type of magic most commonly used by most magical girls.
  • Light magic (as well as dark magic) is effective against Beasts. It doesn’t work as well against humans, but it can still hurt a lot and you can possibly die from being attacked by it. The feeling of being struck by light magic is like being extremely electrocuted or struck by lightening. It’s quite the shock (pun intended).


  • Primary Weapon #1: Nadia has two primary weapons and alternates between them constantly. One of them is a a pink bat with spikes protruding out from the head.
  • Primary Weapon #2: Meanwhile, the other is a set of daggers and knives that she usually has on her in a pouch in her magical girl form.
  • Whenever Nadia has to either reload on knives or summon her bat, she has to use a light magic spell. In order to cast a light magic spell, Nadia must concentrate on a mental image of what she wants and rapidly spit out a specific phrase in Latin before summoning what she needs in the moment. It is believed that the first magical girl to ever exist lived in Ancient Greece and spoke Latin and that’s why magical girls nowadays have to use the language while casting their spells.
  • The phrase Nadia usually has to say depends on what she wants to summon. If she wants to summon her bat, she’ll shout out the word bat in Latin while trying to summon it.
  • Like all magical girls, Nadia usually has to have her hands be on some solid surface or ground in order to summon anything. It has to be some solid surface, like a floor or some grass, it can’t be water or air. For example, if Nadia wanted to summon her bat, she’d need to have her hands be on any solid surface or ground. If she wanted to summon more knives, it’s the same thing.
  • Secondary Weapons: Nadia can blast pure concentrated light magic from the center of her palms and shoot it from the tips of her fingers. She can direct a quick burst of light magic energy for short and consecutive periods of time.
  • She also has brass knuckles on her, stored in the same pouch that contains all of her knives.


  • Nadia specializes in close combat.
  • She can use her fists when it comes down to it. She knows where to hit and how to dodge like an expert street fighter.
  • Because she’s a magical girl destined to live out the next five hundred years of her semi-immortal life protecting the world, Nadia doesn’t need to eat or drink anything in order to function. There’s no such thing as dehydration or starvation for her.
  • Like all magical girls, Nadia has some super strength, though it’s not Superman-level super strength. It’s just enough for her to be able to lift up an entire bus if she has to. Also, in terms of physical strength and brute force in general, she’s a little more stronger than most magical girls.
  • And like all magical girls, Nadia has supernatural healing powers and can survive a stab or bullet wound easily, though in order for her body to heal her energy needs to be taken up. As a result, whenever she needs to heal a wound, she gets tired right after that.
  • Nadia is an expert at striking an opponent’s vital points.
  • She has an insanely high pain tolerance.


  • Nadia can only cast so many light magic spells before tiring herself out and losing her stamina and energy, though the chances of this happening are slim since she usually has enough knives on her and has no need to waste so much of her magic to restock on more. She also uses more of her physical strength rather than relying on her magic all the time during fights.
  • She can’t really turn purely concentrated light magic into a bow and arrow like some magical girls in her world can. She only knows how to either shoot it from her fingers or blast it from the center of her palms if she has to.
  • Just because she’s semi-immortal doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get sore muscles or need rest after a long night of fighting crime. Her body needs time to heal before working to its full potential again.
  • She has some super strength, but it’s limited. Anything that’s heavier than a bus, like a building, is something that even she can’t manage on her own.
  • She can’t do much in a long-range fight besides maybe being able to throw a knife at her opponent, which is a rare possibility and situation in itself. Throwing knives at someone doesn’t always work. Sometimes she feels like she’s useless in a long-range fight because she can’t summon a gun like some magical girls can.
  • She can be super reckless, with little regard toward her own feelings and well-being during a fight. One time, she had several stab and bullet wounds that still hadn’t healed completely yet, but she still tried to come after her opponent. Even though they’re semi-immortal, magical girls can still feel pain, but again, she has a super high tolerance to it.

Berserk Mode

  • Berserk mode is a dangerous mood that any magical girl can enter if she’s so exhausted and overworked to the point where she loses all control of her consciousness and rationality. It’s rare for a magical girl to enter berserk mode, since it’s highly advised to avoid being in that state of mind, but if a magical girl happens to enter berserk mode, she would be ten times more stronger than when she was in her magical girl form.
  • The chances of Nadia ever entering berserk mode are only high once she’s used up either a bunch of light magic spells for the day or she’s used up a lot of her light magic in general.
  • When in berserk mode, Nadia is worse than the monsters that she’s supposed to eliminate.
  • In berserk mode, she has the ability to make all of her knives and her bat float around her while going on a violent rampage with her super strength.
  • When a magical girl is in berserk mode, all she wants to do is destroy everything that’s in her path, no matter who or what it is. She’ll be blind to her rage and she won’t stop unless she either passes out from using up all her strength (though that could take hours or even days) or gets tranquilized.


Nadia Storm is 55-years-old. She’s an African American adult woman, though she became a magical girl when she was seventeen.

Unlocking the ability to become a magical girl usually happens to girls from the ages of 14-16. (Sometimes even 17 or 18.) They are made when a previous magical girl dies after around half a millennia (because 500+ years is when their powers start to expire and they die out) and a new one has to take her place.

Whenever a magical girl dies, her magical powers get transferred to another random teenage girl so that she can continue and carry out the cycle. No one knows the exact reason for why this happens or where magical girls even originated from, but magical girls have been around since the creation of humanity. Some say that a magical girl is an angel from God born to serve as humanity’s savior.

Nadia was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Growing up, she didn’t really finish high school and had to make ends meet by working as a waitress at a family restaurant owned by her parents. She made a better living out of it and figured that going to school would be pointless for her at the time. It’s not like she could afford university anyway, and racism was still on the rise. It wasn’t uncommon for black people to not complete high school at the time.

Nadia grew up with three younger siblings and was the oldest, though she now currently has two younger siblings because her youngest brother Ed was shot and found dead in an alley while on his way home from the convenience store.

She was fifteen when she heard about the news of Ed’s demise. Her two younger sisters were thirteen and twelve at the time.

Though Nadia never had to experience slavery herself since she was born in the 60s, her grandmother did, as did the rest of her great relatives.

She randomly woke up and became a magical girl one day. It just happened when she was seventeen. She just found out that she had been blessed (or cursed, as she will think later on) with being a magical girl. After that, she quit becoming a waitress to become a magical girl instead, since that was a much better paying job she could do to support her family. She was determined to be the best breadwinner she could be for her parents and sisters.

Sometimes racism was even prevalent in the magical girl community, but luckily the New Orlean coworkers that Nadia first got acquaintances with at the time didn’t care much for race.

After working all day shifts, both morning and nighttime shifts, for five days out of the week for five years, Nadia decided that she wanted to travel the world rather than wasting away the rest of her life working and staying in the same place. She craved excitement, stimulation, adventure, and she wasn’t getting any of that the longer she continued to do the same routine over and over again. She still wanted to support her family, but she decided to be able to support them while traveling. She could always send the money to them from wherever she’d be.

So at age of twenty-two, using her personal savings, she decided to just travel across the states after confinding in her parents about her decision. She’d always gotten along great with her parents and they were all very understanding of her choices. Her younger sisters were also supportive of her decisions as well.

She’d never stay in one place for more than a month and would always keep moving ahead. She did this for an entire year. After a year, she’d been to practically every state in the south by that point, and after doing that, had decided to move up north to see what it was like over there.

Nadia randomly choose to go to Ficta, Pennsylvania, just for a change of pace. She originally didn’t plan to stay for long.

However, moving to Ficta was where she met the love of her life: Jade Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant who moved to the US during the time of the Vietnamese War.

Jade was also a magical girl, who Nadia fell for after after working and seeing her around for five years.

Nadia and Jade finally realized that they had reciprocated romantic feelings for each other and decided to date after the five year mark. Nadia didn’t want to tell Jade about her feelings sooner because she figured that Jade wouldn’t be interested in girls or dating in general, and it was the same for Jade as well.

They dated for twenty years. Those twenty years were the best years of Nadia’s life. Though they had their differences, they were able to make it work.

Then, one day, Nadia got severely injured from a mission and Jade was reprimanding her for not being careful enough while on duty. They got in a heated argument that resulted in an ugly break up.

After breaking up, Nadia started drinking, smoking, and partying a lot to try to numb the pain away. She started using unhealthy coping mechanisms to try and move on. She even tried to go through a few one night stands, though those always ended up as failures and never became a thing that she could do.

Her unhealthy coping habits interfered with her work, especially her alcoholism, and so she was ordered to be put into rehab and to take a break from work for a while. She was also assigned to teach a new magical girl (Monique) the ropes around the system as a mentor to better herself and get herself together.

Present Day

Now Nadia is slowly getting better at being sober and currently works as a magical girl by night. She used to work all day shifts, but after her break up with Jade, she’s only been working night shifts on weekdays and weekends, or at least 5 days a week.

She lives in a world where these muddy, shape shifting monsters called Beasts exist. Beasts are born from human hatred, so basically as long as humans exist they’ll always exist too.

These Beasts like to cause chaos in the world just because that’s what they exist to do. They like to vandalize property and destroy homes because that’s what their purpose in life is. As a magical girl, Nadia’s job is to eliminate them.

She secretly still has feelings for Jade, despite trying to get over her these past seven years.


Jade Nguyen

[ it’s complicated ] Jade is Nadia’s ex-girlfriend and a co-worker that Nadia sometimes has to work with during weekend missions. They have a long, messy history and a strained relationship. Nadia also secretly still has feelings for Jade.


Monique Macia

[ roommate ] Monique is Nadia’s current roommate. Nadia also used to mentor Monique back when Monique was starting out as a magical girl six years ago, but now they share an apartment and get along on well enough to be friends.


Pumpkin Head

[ friend ] Pumpkin is an occasional co-worker that Nadia might get paired up with in missions and an eventual friend.



[ pet? ] Pula is the official 'guard dog' of the Magical Girl Department. Her job is to basically patrol the area around the station and make sure no invaders or foreigners come nearby. It's been noted that Pula was once a magical girl herself before an experiment gone wrong had reduced her into the Beastly, dog-like person that she is to this day.


Gideon Grayson

[ mutual ] Gideon is the front desk guy back at the station that Nadia will frequent for work. He's a bit too high-strung at times, but Nadia doesn't mind. He's still a pretty chill and friendly person overall.


Kitty Kat

[ mutual ] Kitty is the waitress that works at this casual diner that Nadia will frequent. She's pretty cool to talk to, Nadia's grown to appreciate her company over the years.
