Gideon Grayson



4 years, 5 months ago


Name Gideon Grayson
Age 27
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Human
Race Caucasian
Height 6'3" ft
Orientation Homosexual
Relationship Status Taken
Occupation Secretary

Role Minor Character
Location Ficta, Pennsylvania
Designer vincandrew



Gideon is a stuttering hot mess. He's high-strung, fidgety, twitchy, and easy to startle.

Even with this neurotic personality of his, however, he's still the face that you'll usually see whenever you come across the Magical Girl Department in Ficta, Pennsylvania. He's the head secretary and front desk person over there.

He's also responsible for organizing the station's financial budgets and gathering together intel for missions. He knows every single magical girl who works at the station by name and has no problem doing so, with how keen his memory bank can be. Maybe he knows a little too much about them sometimes... he's overheard some pretty personal things throughout the years.

Even though he has frayed nerves, Gideon's still quick to make logical decisions and take action. His brain works about 1000+ miles a minute and it never stops, not even when he sleeps. He's probably already crunching numbers and calculating other things on the side, since he's used to multitasking, while in dreamland. He likes feeling occupied, it fulfills him with this sense of purpose in life, even if he doesn't know when to stop sometimes.

Because of this, he can be overly ambitious and eager to do more. He likes jumping into routines and being able to accomplish something.


Gideon isn't actually from this world.

When he was born, he grew up in another magical realm known as Mahou Wando. He was the only one, out of his entire crowded family of seven other brothers, who didn't have magic. He could sense magic, like he could tell whenever an individual was capable of performing it, but he couldn't pull it off himself. His parents often pitied him for this and considered him to be a defect kid. For the longest time, Gideon considered himself to be this weak and fragile person. Even his personality was just a big ball of anxiety, which didn't help at all while he was growing up.

One day, Gideon decided to travel to different realms and see if there were any other places that he could perhaps feel more at home in. He just felt like it was about time he left the next. He couldn't live in his mother's basement forever, after all.

He wanted to not feel helpless. He wanted to feel more in control with his life.

And so, he set off on an adventure that he definitely wasn't prepared for.

Honestly, there were a lot of realms that he'd gotten to learn about by the time he was eighteen. One day, he decided to settle down in this town called Ficta because he found it interesting that only girls were given the chance to be blessed (or cursed) with magical powers. He also felt less isolated in this sort of world, as someone who was male and didn't have any powers.

While he did like the idea of a completely peaceful realm with no conflicts or chaos whatsoever, he also liked being able to help people from behind the scenes, in more indirect ways. It would take him a while to find out about this once he got hired to work at the front desk of the Magical Girl Department.

Nowadays, Gideon's currently been assigned to look after a monster-like girl named Pula, on top of doing what he usually does for a living. He'll still visit the Mahou Wandou realm every now and again, to check up on how his family is doing. But for the most part, though, he prefers to reside in the town of Ficta and is content with the simple life he's got going on.