Mayfield Hanz



5 years, 10 months ago


Mayfield is an adventurous boa with a love for the rain forest. She travels the hot and muggy trees and brush with her wife, Beaker. Living deep within the jungle for so many years has caused May to go a tad loopy; she often finds herself talking to bugs or animals buried within the shrubbery. Her eccentricities are in full gear when she's around others and she's incredibly hyperactive, especially when she gets to show a tour of the wilderness. She's rather flexible and just about twists herself into knots when climbing trees or large rocks. The fear of death has long past gone for her and so she's often very risky and unconcerned about danger when she goes out exploring; she walks vines with no support, she plays with daggers and tosses them around like toys, she carries around poisons without a second thought.

She and Beaker live together out in a rainforest located someplace on the Mainworld. Turkey is Beaker's brother, making him Mayfield's brother-in-law, and Mayfield loves him dearly. She absolutely loves traveling with him on his flying ship, admiring the distance between them and low-hanging clouds.