


5 years, 6 months ago


  • Tigerpelt

  • Age (Current) 2 years
  • Gender Male
  • Race Feline
  • Role Brightclan Warrior
  • Alignment Lawful Good

"I object to the saying 'Curiosity kills the cat'!"


He is a quiet sort of character, a follower. Unlike his brother, Tigerpelt is content to sit back and let others do the leading, and watch the world go on. While he isn't lazy, Tigerpelt isn't tasked with complicated things and he's alright with that. He is actually quite smart, but first impressions make most think otherwise. He had actually picked up some human behaviors such as an interest in reading a writing, and actually had stolen bits of paper to try in vain to read the mysterious symbols that was the human language. Because of this, everyone else thinks he's a bit weird, and even crazy. Of course, He's completely stable and is just at a higher level of comprehending. Not that he'd say it to your face of course, he's too busy sleeping for socializing. One thing that heavily contrasts his intelect is actually his build. A big, long furred cat with hard muscles that are hard to deny. He is like this way, as he sees fighting and war as a complex game that if he tries hard enough, maybe he can crack the code as to how it works, and how to win. He hasn't gotten very far, but he is the best at wrestling now!


Birthday:February (Exact Date Unknown)
Origin: Bloodlcan, Unknown Town/City
Height + Weight:12", 10 lbs
Build: Muscular
Fur Thickness/Length: Thick, Meduim Hairred
Accessories: None
  • Researching Humans
  • Training
  • Quiet
  • The rain
  • being bothered while studying
  • Losing a fight










Early Life

Tigerpelt was born a rogue, in a cruel society of cats. His mother did not care for them, and left him and his brother alone for long periods of time. as soon as they were barely weened enough, she abandoned them, at only four weeks of age. They were innocent, and did not know that big cats were mean and dangerous. Flame had always been the leader of the two, Tiger often being too wrapped up in his own thoughts to really take the time to care for himself properly. However, this was all before Tigerpelt had become the skilled warrior he is today, and as a kitten he and his brother didn't know better. They had started to eat a bit of prey a cat had left behind, not checking to see if anyone was nearby. The cat of course had few morals and attacked them, giving Tigerpelt his scars which are much less prominent than they used to be, and Flame's missing eye. The two were forced to run away, and they ran into a cat named Screech. She took pity on them and nursed them back to health and she was the one who had named them Flame and Tiger. Eventually, Screech gave them to Brightclan, where they were fostered by Fawnspring, Oakkit's mother. Although they were grateful, Flame (renamed Flamekit) and Tiger (renamed Tigerkit) were overjoyed when they heard Screech was coming to live with them in Brightclan.


In Brightclan, Tigerkit was happy. And he was overjoyed when he learned that he could learn to fight, fight against those like the cat who gave him his scars. While he and his brother were never revengeful types and Screech did her best to disuade them from that path, he couldn't help but feel empowered by the thrill of battle or more interestingly the power of knowledge. He loved his mentor, Hollowclaw as he was the one who had taught him everything he knew about fighting as he was the best warrior in the clan. Tigerpaw is not inherently smart, he just grew off of a curiosity towards humans as a by-product. He can't tell you exactly when he started, but it was during his late apprenticeship and early warriorhood. He had found a bit of twoleg trash, what we know as a newspaper. It had come in a thin, plastic bag that Tigerpaw and later Tigerpelt used to protect most of his twoleg findings. He studied the newspaper, noticing the repetitive symbols and markings on it's page in a perfect, consistant line. He then went into the town with his newspaper, asking and interviewing any who would answer. Some kittypets knew what some symbols were and what sounds they made, and some could recognise entire words on sight, a combination of these symbols. It took a lot of time, and intuitive knowledge, but he eventually figured out the simple alphabet. And you might be wondering, dear reader, how can Tigerpelt understand all of this? Cats can't speak English, and writing directly corresponds with the sounds only a human can make. Well, by answer is i m a g i n a t i o n :) Also in my world cats speak English so to them they are speaking normally but to humans they aren't it's just a thing. Anyways, Tigerpelt learned to read. That being said, it took him months and months to just read the newspaper, and half of it he didn't even understand. But some he did. This took place over three years, and it is not likely that he'll even begin to understand humans and human culture, politics and basic knowledge.

Thrill of the fight

Nowadays, Tigerpelt has relaxed a little in his studies. He still loves it and is willing to show his findings to anyone who'd listen, but, no one really does. They don't understand his fascination or his breakthroughs and Tigerpelt has come to terms with this. They're not ready for that kind of knowledge. The only one who truly understands him is Screech, though she seems to always know more than she's letting on, and she never, ever tells him more than what he asked for. He's given up trying to get information from her on humans, the only time he was ever able to understand social cues that she didn't want to talk about it. Tigerpelt instead turned to something that his clan is interested in, battle. More specifically, fighting Bloodclan. Each year they grow in size and number, all craving to be as powerful as Scourge once was before he was killed by his son and successor as the final test of will. They also knew how powerful they could become if they took over the forst and Brightclan was sometimes very close to being forced from their own borders before taking control again. It helped that a highway was in between them and the twolegplace, providing a convenient barrier between forest and town. Tigerpelt became the strategist, using his extensive knowledge on fighting to aid his clan.



[ Mother ] Tigerpelt loves his adoptive mother and is grateful of her constant support in his studies, no matter how cryptic she sometimes is. He sees her as the best a cat could be, wise beyond their years, skilled in battle and quietly intelligent. He strives to be just like her, even if his visions of her are a little shallow.



[ Brother ] Tigerpelt is proud as he can be of his brother, excited that Flamespeck is so highly regarded by his clanmates. While they are very different in personality and goals, he trys to stay as supportive as he can be even if he doesn't always understand the intricacies of a normal social life.



[ Grandmother ] Tigerpelt loves listening to stories from his grandmother of the glory days of her youth, misinterperating the point of her stories sometimes. He thinks of her as a seasoned warrior who has gone through many hardships but came out on top, victorious. He looks up to her, and respects her greatly for her combat-filled old life.



[ Mentor ] They are as close as two unrelated cats can be, almost to the point that Hollowclaw is like a father to him. Everything that Tigerclaw has come to value over his life came in some way from Hollowclaw, or was promoted by him and encouraged Tigerpelt to branch out. Tigerpelt loves going on patrols with his old mentor despite the fact that he hasn't been an apprentice for a few years now.

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