


5 years, 6 months ago


  • Flamespeck

  • Age (Current) 2 years
  • Gender Male
  • Race Feline
  • Role Brightclan Warrior
  • Alignment Lawful Good

"We're all messed up a little, so no excuses on why you can't change for the better."


Flamespeck is a natural leader, and a courageous fellow. He is very familial, and with that is very protective. While he's not very skilled physically, he is often asked for advice despite his younger age. He struggles with others doing his work, and relaxing. He will often argue with others if they try and make him take a break from his position. He's very smart for being a cat, enlightened if you will. While he chooses to use his intelect for the here and now, he's always peering over his brother's shoulders whenever he's studying some human papers he had stolen and was trying to decipher.


Birthday:February (Exact Date Unknown)
Origin: Bloodlcan, Unknown Town/City
Height + Weight:10", 8 lbs
Build: Slim
Fur Thickness/Length: Thick, Short Hairred
Accessories: None
  • Racing
  • Spring
  • Birdsong
  • Stubbornness
  • Comments about his eye
  • Feeling of cut grass










Early Life

Flamespeck was born a rogue, in a cruel society of cats. His mother did not care for them, and left him and his brother alone for long periods of time. as soon as they were barely weened enough, she abandoned them, at only four weeks of age. They were innocent, and did not know that big cats were mean and dangerous. Flame decided one very hungry day that he would take a bite or a piece of fresh kill, which a cat had left behind. As soon as he and his brother (both were unnamed) were all over it, taking big bites. The cat, however, was not pleased at all. He attacked them, and managed to catch His eye and tore it out. his brother was less injured than him, and they both ran blindly, right into Screech. She treated their injuries, and named him Flame, and his brother Tiger. Eventually, Screech gave them to Brightclan, where they were fostered by Fawnspring, Oakkit's mother. Although they were grateful, Flame (renamed Flamekit) and Tiger (renamed Tigerkit) were overjoyed when they heard Screech was coming to live with them in Brightclan.


For the most part, Flamekit had a very normal life within the clan, however he was so young when he had come that he soon forgot that he had come from such an awful place. Even so, he couldn't help but be curious about what his life could have been had he not been found. Corra, his grandmother who had come from the same place they had was always careful about telling stories of the town though she made it very clear that he was very lucky to be where he is. About the time when he became an apprentice some new cats came into the clan, Jesse and Bri. They had come from the nicer parts of town and even with their rude and snobbish personalities Flamepaw couldn't help but be amazed by the stories he heard. In particular, Jesse or Velvetpaw as she'd been renamed. She was much more hauty than her sister Bri (now Leafpaw) and Flamepaw wanted to understand why she found so much pride in herself but why she joined Brightclan. He soon came to learn after Velvetpaw had made an offhand comment that she had a mother, though she was terrible and ended up regecting her and her sister. Flamepaw felt very sympathetic towards Jesse, knowing that a mother could change a cat's entire life and they bonded over the fact of their original parents dumping them.

Honorable and Respectable

Flamespeck had developed a crush on a she-cat Velvetpaw, long before he got his warrior name. Velvetpaw was always fascinated with him and was always pushing him to become leader. Flamespeck, or Flamepaw at the time had promised her he would make her his mate when he got his name, which he did. So in love with Velvetshine, he dismissed her personality flaws and her often disappearances. Unfortunately, Velvetshine's disappearances became more often, until Velvetshine finally broke the news. She had been seeing a cat that lived in the town. She told Flamespeck that she was pregnant and that she was going to go live with him, seemingly with hardly any remorse. She apologized that she hadn't told him earlier and didn't want things to end the way they did, but life's cruel. Flamespeck was completely crushed. Velvetshine had left the clan leaving him to break the news to his family and the rest of his clanmates. Leafmoon, Velvetshine's sister was completely disgusted with Velvetshine and against the wishes of her clanmates and her mate, decided to go and find her sister. A few days later, Leafmoon returned unharmed but saddened. She couldn't find Velvetshine.

Whole again

One day, seemingly very random, not but a moon later. Velvetshine looked awful, her usually well-groomed, soft coat ragged and loose, she looked exhausted and hungry. She bore multiple injuries, nothing that would scar majorly but they hadn't been treated other than being cleaned. Sandkit looked okay compared to Velvetshine, but she still didn't look great either. Flamespeck wasn't at the camp when she was brought back, he was off hunting. Flamespeck returned to find the camp in a silent uproar, whispers being passed around and rumors about both him and Velvetshine. Apparently, she was struggling to care for herself and Sandkit on her own and wanted the clan to take her kit for a better upbringing. Flamespeck remained composed enough to get Velvetshine to the medicine den so that they could talk without eyes and ears on them. She told a lot, about her fling with someone named Lightning, about after running away with him being dumped because of Sandkit, the harsh life of living alone in a hostile town full of murder-crazy cats. And she apoligized. For what seemed like the first time in her life, Velvetshine seemed sincere in her apology and the shame she felt was real. She told him that Flamespeck had been the kindest cat she had ever met, and she cast him away without even thinking. Flamespeck of course was angry that she had run away like that, but couldn't help but feel empathy for her. More unexpectedly, he found himself forgiving her but deep down he knew he had forgiven her the first night she had left. Because, no matter what she had done, Flamespeck still loved her. Velvetshine was allowed to stay with the clan, with Flamespeck protecting her from the judgement every step of the way. Flamespeck grew to love Sandkit fiercely, and took her as his own. Eventually, life did settle down again, and Flamespeck was happy once more.



[ Mother ] Flamespeck knows that Screech isn't completely honest about where she went during the time between her exit of Bloodclan and finding him and his brother, though Flamespeck never lets this stop him from loving her just as any son would love him mother. They are extremely close, and Screech is his grounding point and keeps him sane during hard times.



[ Brother ] Him and Flamespeck are very different in their own rights, but are very similar in other ways. While Flamespeck will never understand Tigerpelt's fascination with 'humans' as he calls them, Flamespeck is always supportive of his brother's curiosities and sometimes the rare dumpster dive looking for interesting twoleg artifacts.



[ Grandmother ] Flamespeck knows she's not completely clean either, but chooses to look at her skills and admires them. He knows he can go to her if he needs to talk to someone and will often ask for her opinion knowing that she has a very different way of thinking and can bring new solutions that he never would have thought of.



[ Mate ] Despite Velvetshine's unfaithfulness to him, Flamespeck still loves her. He is constantly thinking of her and hopes that she's happy but desperately wishes for her to come back, even if he has to care for kittens that aren't his and are the product of cheating.

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