Jamie Bailey



5 years, 6 months ago




Name || Jamie Bailey
Alias || The Crystal Adventurer! (by herself)
Gender || Female
Age || 19
Ethnicity || Crystal Inkdrian
Occupation || To be the best adventurer she can be
Rarity || Rare
Generation || 3
Waterproof? || Yes
Theme || Pompeii - Bastille

Traits List

  • Black ink
  • Gradient markings
  • Three colored gradient
  • Gradiented mouth
  • Uncut jewels 
  • Can turn up to half of her body invisible at a time 
  • No eyes


Jamie is very outgoing, strong willed. and charismatic. Though there are times when she can be a bit oblivious. She loves being happy and knowing that others are happy or having fun. Standing still is very hard for her, she always seems to be moving, fidgeting even while standing. This lady is a bundle of energy.

Its rare but Jamie can get serious, mostly when she can tell someone isn't happy or is lying. It took a few years but she was able to tell how a person feels by the sound of their voice.


  • The cooling breeze
  • The feel of grass
  • Soft textures 
  • The feel of sun on her skin


  • Rough textures
  • Spiky things
  • The cold
  • Really loud noises



Jamie was well taken of in her old cave home, everyone would do almost everything for her due to her lack of eyes. Though Jamie was grateful for all the help it grew too overwhelming over the years.

Around the age of 17 Jamie started hearing stories about the world outside of the cave, which caught her interest. Some of her friends would go outside the cave for a few days before coming back, when they got back Jamie would constantly ask them questions. One day she was tired of questioning her friends and said she wanted to go out with them. Immediately they told her no, that it was far too dangerous for someone so fragile. This upset Jamie for a while, because she didn't think of herself as fragile. She thought she was as strong as anyone else. That's when she came up with a plan. She'd run away and become an adventurer to prove how strong she could be. The very next night she felt her way out of the cave, into the outside world.

After two years of traveling with little to no contact Jamie found herself in what felt like a forest. While walking forward without a care she suddenly felt a hand grab her arm and pull her back, then without warning someone began to yell at her. This caused Jamie to panic and trash around, she only did this for a few seconds before the person yelled "You almost walked off a cliff you dumbass!!"

Jamie learned this person was a girl named Addie Thomas, who lived in a shrine nearby. Finding a person to talk to thrilled Jamie, she had grown sick of talking to herself. The two talked for hours, it was mostly Jamie talking about herself due to Addie refusing to tell anything about her. This lead to Jamie trying to push Addie to tell her about the life Addie had outside of a cave, after a few more refusals Jamie made Addie promise she would tell her everything one day. Reluctantly Addie agreed. 

When the sun rose Jamie begged Addie to take her to the shrine, but Addie refused in a more serious and panicked voice. This upset Jamie, but to make up for it Addie built Jamie a camp to stay in. 

Everyday Addie visits Jamie in her camp, bringing her food or clothes with each trip. 


  • Jamie is apart of a group named "Team Blind"
  • She is based off the gemstone malachite