Megan Rose "Alamalina" (Hel Megan (Book 3 Story Unit))



4 years, 10 months ago




Female // ???? looks to be 23

Tranced Advisor


Race: Human, unclear if she's undead.
Role: Story unit/Advisor to Lif
Pair up Link: Lif
Orientation: Pansexual
Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
Faction: Hel's army
Flower: Spiderlily


  • "Alfonse"(Lif)
  • Singing
  • Playing the harp
  • Being near "Alfonse"


  • Being alone on the battlefield
  • Embla"(Main Megan's Askr)
  • Fighting alone
  • Losing her friends again



The funny thing about alternate worlds, you never know what's going to crop up when you mess with them, such is the case of "Alira" aka Megan. Here, she fell in love with Fjorm, and got married to her, even having a daughter named Alvilda Valhalla Nifl. Sadly though, it wasn't to last. Not long after the happy couple's third month of taking care of baby Alvilda and a year after their marriage, Hel soon began invading Askr. Fjorm was killed in the resulting fighting protecting her wife, and Alvilda was sent to one of the deeprealms in the world of Birthright to protect her from the fighting. Soon, Megan had, after the ritual Alfonse performed began killing the people of Askr, found another way to kill the armies of Hel, but she knew it'd cost her life. "The sounds of ruin", such a fitting name for the cursed song she found that would, in no clearer terms, make Bredablik implode and destroy everything within a quarter-mile, it was all she needed after Alfonse and Sharena fell. So, in the middle of the final battle, she performed a mass desummoning of all her heroes, she wouldn't cost her friends their lives and began to perform the song, only for her, right as she was about to finish the song, someone, Lif, had snuck up behind her and knocked her out cold. But he wouldn't kill her. No... There might be a use for her living yet.

A new lie "life"

When she awoke, she found she couldn't see a thing, but soon, Alfonse and Sharena came and calmed the frightened girl down, explaining that her song, yes, it worked, it destroyed Hel and the forces of Hel, which allowed them to walk out of Hel's realm and come back to her and Askr, but the spell cost Megan her sight as she could plainly tell. The girl, in a daze she actually managed to destroy Hel, merely sighed in relief and sunk into the arms of her dear friends, sobbing in relief. after she calmed, they told her Embla, trying to take advantage of the damage left behind by the attacks on Askr by Hel, were attacking once again and seemed to have taken her daughter, or possibly killed her, which Megan resolved to help them fight even in her disabled state. Oh... If only that was the case, for most unbeknown to her, it wasn't. For you see, while she was out, Thrasir enchanted the eye veil she has and put it on her, and it magically prevents her from seeing anything, and also tricks her into thinking Thrasir is Sharena, while Lif is Alfonse, with a few added magic spells that make her experience many auditory and physical illusions only she can hear and feel, it keeps her from figuring out what happened, thus keeping her under their control. Alira is the affectionate Pet name Lif gave her, mostly to keep the Megan of the Askr they're invading from figuring out who Alira really is, though there's another reason.

You see, Lif didn't expect Alira to be so open and trusting with him, but considering she thinks he's her Alfonse, it's only natural for her to be open with him, and then for him to become fond of her, and she reminded him of his long-dead wife, Yume. Eventually, he fell for her, maybe it was she was so warm compared to the cold of Hel's realm, or perhaps it was because her personality was like a shining beacon of life and hope in the darkness and death that was Hel's domain, he didn't know, all he knew was he fell in love with her. And what luck, for in helping her through her grief at losing both her wife and daughter, she in turn, fell for him, though she still thought he was "Alfonse", but, he'd cross that bridge when it came to it. For now, he's content with telling her to call him by a nickname, saying since he calls her Alira she had a right to call him by a nickname, which surprisingly, she decided to call him Lif, which overjoyed him to no end. And he's not too keen on letting this little bit of happiness he's found slip away from him.

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