
Faythe Suki The Pure Smol

Alias None
Age 13 Years
Birthday September 16th
Blood Type A+
Gender Female
Ethnicity Japanese
Height 4' 11" (149.86 cm)
Weight 89 pounds (40.3 kg)
Build Thin
Shift Time Night
Reif Mourning Dove
Theme TBD
Voice Actor Sora Amamiya / Kate Bristol

"It's okay, I forgive you... I'm sure you had a good reason."

Faythe Suki is a major character in the Suki light novel series, starring in her own Suki Story. She was born with albinism and is selectively mute for a majority of her childhood due to bullying.

As an adult, Faythe owns a bakery, and works by herself, under the protection of a large mafia family.


Faythe is a very short, very thin young girl. She's albino, and has waist-length pure white hair, bright red eyes, and very pale skin that burns easily.

Her favorite outfits to wear are dresses, and she dislikes wearing pants. Her favorite dresses are a green sundress with white daisies on it, and a blue-green dress with blue flowers. When she goes out, she wears a large sunhat to protect her skin from the sun since she burns so easily.

As an adult, she wears more black dresses, and even suits.


  • Forgiving
  • Generous
  • Gentle
  • Incredibly trusting
  • Naive
  • Self-sacrificing

Faythe is incredibly sweet, genuine, loving girl. Despite all the bullying she's endured, she never holds a grudge, or takes her own anger out on others. In fact, she goes out of her way to try and befriend anyone and everyone, believing nobody should hurt as much as she does. She puts all others before herself, even going so far as to get herself hurt by resisting transformation to stop Juha from starting a fight that could get him killed.

She always gives strangers the benefit of the doubt, putting her trust in them and never asking anything in return. Despite the obvious dangers, she's been extremely lucky thus far and has hardly been met with a sincerely dangerous result. Even if someone does harm her, she is so against hurting others or letting others feel hurt, she is willing to immediately forgive them.

As an adult, she takes on a more serious demeanor, but still retains her compassionate and trusting personality. She tries hard to keep to pacifism, but will fight if push comes to shove, especially if her loved ones are in danger.


Faythe grew up with a loving family, though her school life wasn't so enjoyable. Because of her appearance, and her tendency to coo while speaking as a young child, Faythe found herself getting bullied from the moment she stepped foot into preschool. Her first interaction with a child her age ended with the child screaming "ghost" as he ran away. After that, whenever she tried to speak, her classmates would giggle and mock her.

It soon got to a point where she gave up on trying to speak at all. Not just at school, but at home as well. She felt far too embarrassed to let anyone hear her voice, but even when she gave the bullies what she thought they wanted, the harassment didn't stop. They started teasing her for being silent, and continued to make fun of her albinism. Try as her parents might, there was nothing that could be done to stop it for good. Every year, her old classmates would tell her new classmates, and her new classmates would be influenced by her old ones, and make fun of her too.

It didn't help that some of her own cousins, particularly Notoro and Zaeru, attended the same schools as her, and would endlessly harass and abuse her. Zaeru especially seemed to have particular interest in making Faythe's life miserable, targeting her frequently with cruel words that went above and beyond those of the other students.

By the time she was 8 years old, Faythe was fluent in sign language, as were her parents. However, she still often had to carry a notebook around, or keep a writing app on her phone, so she could communicate with others. It didn't make things much easier, but she remained silent.

At the age of 12, she finally made four friends. One of these friends was a man named Marcello Basilo, who turned out to be a dangerous mafioso. Despite being violent and unstable, Faythe gave him the benefit of the doubt, and in turn he became very protective of her. At 13, a friend from out of town introduced her to a man named Touma a few towns away. Touma was kind, had a wife and two adopted children, and was close friends with the family of Faythe's friend. He was offering to rent a spare room to her so she could attend a new school where nobody knew her, so she could start anew. She gratefully accepted the offer, and soon moved into his home, which had a shop on the ground floor.

Since she began attending the new school, she met several new friends, including a boy named Izanashi, who was a regular customer at Touma's shop. He was only three years older than Faythe, and was very shy. They got along quite well, and he eventually asked her out. A few months into their relationship, Faythe finally broke her silence, and thanked him for being so kind to her, after he told her how much he wished they could cuddle in the evenings. Her parents both cried when Touma called and told them the news.

Skills & Abilities

Reif Trait
Shoulder feathers appears when excited, sometimes coos while talking.

Faythe is an excellent baker, and loves baking cookies for guests and new friends.

Skill Three
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Skill Four
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Yasuo Suki


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Izanashi Hoshika


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Marcello Basilo

Mafioso Bodyguard

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Notoro Suki


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Character Name


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