


5 years, 7 months ago


Name “Roach” John Brian
Age 28
Height 6’1”
Weight 174 lbs.
Class Outer Ring
Gender Male
Weapon Of Choice Fists
D.O.B. April 1, 2425
Bounty No bounty
Occupation Bedrock Assistant
Skill Set

  • Abnormally Strong
  • Memorized entire map of the underground.
  • Selling Merchandise

Roach is a big sweet pea. He is somewhat reclusive and will run to the Underbelly to see his rat when he gets into a fight with Tic. When this happens, he is never gone for more than a few days. Once he is hungry he comes back. In general he is happy and only aggressive when the situation calls for it.


Roach grew up with his parents until he was kicked out at the age of 18. Soon after he found the newly opened Bedrock Museum and applied for job to work with the owner Albert “Tic” Patterson. The rest is history.


  • Roach is Bipolar and is required to take medicine for it everyday.
  • He usually refuses to take his medicine or just forgets so Tic slips it into his oatmeal every morning.
  • Sometimes he places bounties on customers who piss him off.
  • He has only ever read one book, “Fahrenheit 451”.
  • Roach is terrified of bounty hunter because he is afraid one day he’ll have a bounty for having bad customer service.

  • Roach enjoys nature and all it’s leafy greens.
  • He rather fond of his job, not only is he grateful for it, but he gets to work with his best friend every day.
  • His best friend is Tic who is like a big brother.
  • Roach loves any kind of salty food.
  • He loves all the dogs that live at the Bedrock Museum.

  • He refuses to eat anything sweet.
  • Roach doesn’t like Tic’s bad drug habits and often worries about his health.
  • He dislikes the “sewer rats” as in the people of the Underbelly.
  • He generally dislikes crowded places and relies on Tic to get him through tough spots.
  • Roach hates the self proclaimed vigilantes of the streets. He doesn’t like that they “play God” and get to choose who lives or dies on a whim. Getting paid is one thing, but going out of your way for nothing makes you worse than a murderer.

Tic Closest Friend

Ever since Roach started working for Tic, he has been sticking to him. Roach literally can’t do anything without Tics instruction. While this sometimes cripples Roach, Tic does not mind helping him out.

The Twins Ally

The twins are recurring customers to Bedrock, thus Roach deals with them all the time. Roach likes Rei because she was “extremely” nice to him when he made a mistake. Since then he has always enjoyed her entering the store. Roach and Jugo’s relationship was fine until he found out how Jugos association with Ava. Jugo does not mind vigilantes and believes they actually clean up the trash in society, which Roach distastes.

Wrex Ally

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