
The next in line for the Lunaris kingdom. 


Princess Stardust

Princes Stardust is the rambunctious youth next in line to become the queen of lunaris. She is very adventurous. This can lead her into trouble due to how important she is and how mundane the castle gets for the philly. 

This results in her testing the guards often for escape routes. Who are very good at tracking and blocking her attempts to get out. When not causing trouble or playing the philly is often in her study room with a tutor. Having an edge in magic training, she is quite proficient at magic for her age, and exhibits some control of dream sand seeing as she is not normally affected by it when around her mother. Going to the extent of diving in her tail. 

She has yet to get her cutiemark, but isn't exactly worried about it. She knows when she gets it, more of her fun will be limited, by tutors and possibly even her mother. 


Her guardian is a being created form her mothers dream sand. While sentient, for the most part it doesn't do much to stop Princess Stardust. In charge of her protection, it doesn't seemed bothered by her games and will often join in, however as soon as it is determined the child is in danger it can grow in size and even become a beast of a nightmare. He does report directly to the queen and can contact her quickly.