King Sonata



So since I have king sonata drawn I must admit I gotgot to submit him. This is the husband of the Queen of Lunaris and while he is the king, he lacks the power to really do much in the kingdom. He does, however, control the orchestra and is in charge of the music. As the Queen trusts him with this, seeing as this is his talent,it distracts the queen from the duties busy her day, which relaxes her. He otherwise helps with the art of the kingdom and the interior design. 

He is loyally by her side, smitten with her beauty even if getting close results in him falling asleep for a period of time if he stays too long. (heiswhipped)

He tried to keep up with his daughter and make sure she is happy though she tends to get away from him. He tries to avoid leaving the Lunaris castle and does not like visiting Solaris due to the very 'hostile ' nature of the guards and stallions. They will avoid his wife but they are not too kind to him even though he has little power in Matriarchy of the Lunaris kingdom.