


5 years, 6 months ago


šŸž Winnow šŸž

Adventurous, amiable, animated, and [overly] enthusiastic.

She is very expressive. You can always tell how sheā€™s feeling based on her body language, especially with her ears and tail.

Easily distracted.

A great tracker (she has an amazing sense of smell). She just may need some help - pardon the pun - staying on track when following a scent.

Will talk anyone to death. She also loves storytelling, and is good at it too. Part of this comes from her tendency to move around and act out what she says.

Emotional, cries easily, compassionate, interested in how others feel.

Sheā€™d be the type to quickly want to comfort someone who is sad, especially with cuddles and licks, but then soon start talking about something and forget to actually stop and listen to the person she was comforting.

Voice gets high and squeaky when mad/defensive, in despair, or very excited.

Large lung capacity, for better or for worse.

Itā€™s not uncommon for her to haveĀ a bad ā€œbed headā€ when she wakes up.

Loves anything bright, colorful, or that has an interesting texture. Flowers, leaves, and feathers are among her favorite things.

Loves finding ladybugs. She always names them ā€œDewā€ and they are her friends and no one can convince her otherwise.


She lived mostly by herselfĀ in a forest where many travelers passed through. She oftenĀ tried befriending everyone traveling, though they would rarely be there for long before moving on (and some didnā€™t want to be bothered at all).

Then she met a traveling bear (I havenā€™t done much developing of this character yet) one day, and I need to develop this story more but Winnow and the bearĀ end up becoming friends. (They might even leave theĀ forest one day and Winnow will travel with the bear, but I havenā€™t gotten that far yet)