✦ Max (||•Worth Chart•||)



og post for base price - $165 | by goki-san

pixel ych | by giuvell

Worth obtained ~ $217

(Spac3kidd0) traditional regular fullbody ~ $15

(Kouchouflower) headshot/bust ~ $11

(Devilzeye_) chibi pixel ~ $5

(Pankek) headshot ~ $25

(aupon) blink pagedoll gif ~ $20

(L0stteddybear) fullbody ~ $8

(KubMittens) bust/headshot ~ $10

(KubMittens) Fullbody ~ $20

(KubMittens) Fullbody ~ $20

(SpookyMocha) Pixel Icon ~ $10

(noodle-caboodle) painted bust ~ $15

(_Rynn_) icon ~ $15 

(Ryusuke_martin) Icon ~ $25

(kodzukyan) fullbody ~ $11

(_Rynn_) fullbody ~ $40

(oemei) Icon ~ $6

(@martinieo) bust ~ $2

(KokichiOma) Pagedoll ~ $35

(Alistarsz) Doodlepage~ $10

(Amino user ) Headshot sketch ~ $2

(riott) group picture ~ $30

(riott) ship art ~ $20

(riott) fullbody ~ $15

(riott) fullbody gif ~ $20

(Citruss) Headshot ~ $25

(chopekni) headshot/bust ~ $20

(chopekni) gifted chibi with head/bust ~ $0

(Vileblut) Incoming bust ~ $35

(Vilbelut) incoming fullbody ~ $100

(Vileblut) incoming chibi ~ $18

(Vileblut) incoming chibi ~ $18


Incoming art

Mfuckin SCHOOLLL - Headshot painted(?) - $20

Willow the floof - 2 fullbodies + 1 chibi full - $20(?)

Shiiro - fullbody + bust + icon - $30

uchiha - Headshot - $5


Worth now ~ $637 (with incoming art $808)

Worth with my art ~ $1,003