Issac Fire



5 years, 5 months ago




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ornare lacus elit. Suspendisse lacinia tincidunt est at maximus. In convallis mauris sapien, sed mollis quam ultrices vel. Mauris vel finibus felis. Duis leo mauris, laoreet nec consectetur ut, malesuada eu mi. Maecenas tempor libero quis consectetur interdum. Maecenas a ante felis. Phasellus mattis enim id interdum viverra.

Isaac Fire
Polo shirts
Yoga instructor

Issac fire Is one disaster dumb boy who likes fire and his friends. He is very happy go lucky and worry's only when something is directly in his face so he is lucky he is at least fireproof in fact nothing seems to hit him and people are convinced that its his ability but no one is a 100%. Isaac loves his friends but has issues around new people but will hide it with a friendly outer shell. He needs to be around them almost constantly or he will straight up go into a depression. He is probably one of the dumbest people you will ever meet and the most powerful it is a terrifying fact that an idiot has very good fire powers. This is probably because he creates his own technics and is very good at that, in fact his mentor July believed that he could surpass her if he kept up like this. Surprisingly Isaac has serious moments when the situation calls for it making it seem like he is smarter than he lets on until he does something compactly stupid, but when he or someone he cared about is threatened will go completely psychotic on them throwing unnecessary power at them probably killing whoever it.

He is a man of secrets so even his close friends don’t know stuff about him he just sees it as unnecessary information and he doesn't want to plage his friends with his issues. His major issue is that he has frequent nightmares though not traditional they are where he is himself but a weird twisted version of him with different friends and a different life and its the same people in his dreams every time and that is his biggest fear just being someone else.

Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective

  • like
  • His freinds
  • His cat
  • Fire
  • Pancakes
  • dislike
  • New people
  • Dogs
  • Going to sleep
  • Waffles
  • skill
  • Fire mage stuff
  • Horse rideing
  • skill
  • skill
  • hobby
  • hobby
  • hobby
  • hobby
  • hobby

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Isaac's place of birth is unknown but was given to a fisherman an unknown lady. The fisherman gave him to an orphanage who gave him the name Isaac and the orphanage found out that even from birth he could partly control his element in his breath by making small embers when he breathed out. A bidding war started and army's across the globe wanted this clearly powerful baby. The King of the Lake Country King Karsa only wanted the baby to not fall into enemy hands so his wife Gaia got July a mage who had raised many orphaned children as mages to take Isaac in. The orphanage only ever wanted Isaac to go to a good home saw this as the best outcome and let them have Isaac. From then on Isaac was raised by July in a small cottage just off the magary college campus with his adopted little sister Honey

His childhood was rather normal after that he made friends with the Crew rather quickly and they were very good students who did all the work. It was mostly uneventful until the fire that never burned a thing blazed the college when he was 10. An organisation wanting to stop the college and mages in general aided them and Isaac and his sister Honey were corned with Honey having a cut over her eye. With no were to run Issac tried to protect her but only got slashed in the eye, this caused him to go off and burned the intruder to cinders and the surrounding aria lit up but nothing burned other than the intruders, the only one to see this was Honey and Isaac forgot so no one but her knew why that happened on that fateful evening. Issac's eye later got infected and it had to be removed so he has a glass eye now.

  • ●He will get so hot the dye on his head would melt off and his clothes (even the fire resistant ones) will burn off.
  • ● Nicknamed Dipshit McGee by everyone in the college (not his friends as it hurts his feelings).
  • ● Is petrified by dogs
  • ● Will burn any food he cooks
  • ● Natural blond.
  • ● Has a glass eye.

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