Velt Hipica



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Velt Hipica






Quick healing










Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ornare lacus elit. Suspendisse lacinia tincidunt est at maximus. In convallis mauris sapien, sed mollis quam ultrices vel. Mauris vel finibus felis. Duis leo mauris, laoreet nec consectetur ut, malesuada eu mi. Maecenas tempor libero quis consectetur interdum. Maecenas a ante felis. Phasellus mattis enim id interdum viverra.

Their Name
Their Gender
Their Ethnicity
Their Species
Body Type
Clothing Style
Their World
Current Residence
Their Occupation
Their Sexuality

>Velt is a shot tired man that drooped out of high school to draw anime and play video games, much to the dismay of his brother. Velt is a rather nice guy but is rather grouchy most days so comes off as rude. He hates the outdoors but hates staying in his room as he still lives with his parents who are kind of the actual worse so he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Video games are are favourite pass time of his espeshaly the Demon Run franchise, a jrpg that has been ongoing for 15 years (dont even bother looking it up its not real) and finds solace in the game. He is like the older brother of the group as his way of avoiding responsibility's is not very good but a running joke is calling him and Isaac Mom and Dad due to them fighting like a couple even when they wereant together, Its unclear whos who. Despite his many flaws Velt is passionate man and puts his all into everything he wants to succeed in.

Velts as loyal as they come. He will stick by his freinds throgh thick or thin but his trust is very hard to gain.

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  • hobby
  • hobby
  • hobby
  • hobby

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Velt has only wanted to ever do freelance art ever since he found out that was a thing he could do but with the art he wanted to draw his parents would defiantly kick him out, so he used what little money he had saved, brought a graphics tablet and created the persona of Amber a woman of his age that drew lewd gay anime art so he wouldn't get caught as logging off and clearing internet history works well against parents. He joined the magary collage at about 10 with his brother Kyle and Velt fell in love doing it. On the first day a scrawny dark skinned blond boy asked to be friends and as kids do they became friends. Velt had a secret crush on Isaac ever since he was 13 and always did a good job of concealing it. Isaac understood him, Isaac was nice to him and Isaac was really hot and this made him realise he was gay as he started to look at other boys the same way but tried to repress it. Repressing was easy just find a flaw in that person and exaggerate it in his head tenfold making the person seem horrible but not with Isaac. Isaac has his flaws like being the biggest dumbass on the planet but Velt could never hate him, Isaac was just too nice to him and they had been friends for so long, so Velt hid it away deep inside.

In high school he was an angry little shit with a short temper and bleached white hair. He would pick fights with multiple boys sometimes ones he couldn't possibly hope to win. It was so bad that after losing a duel with another kid at 16 he just punched the kid in the nose braking it this was a wake up call for him as realised that he was becoming his farther a man who drank and punched at random things to try to solve problems. So he tryed to calm down so he would never hurt anyone again, but his reputation was all ready ruined, he was the aggressive lose cannon who would kill you for looking at him. Takeing one last look at himself and desideing he didnt need school to make money he droped out, his income became selling art as well as being body gard to Betha. He never looked back as this is what he wanted, this was disappointing to Kyle and enraging for his parents, Isaac was the only one who supported him as he saw school slowly drain him.

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  • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
  • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
  • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
  • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
  • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.

Name Fusce venenatis et elit bibendum bibendum. Aliquam rhoncus vehicula lobortis. Pellentesque at nisi vehicula, eleifend tellus vitae, ultrices arcu.

Name Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Fusce volutpat vel tortor quis rhoncus.

Name Sed placerat lectus interdum, gravida diam a, pharetra magna.

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