Magnus Lee Roth



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Current Value



“Why can’t we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again

Pineapples are in my head
Got nobody 'cause I’m brain dead

Somebody said that I'm a fuckin' slum
Don’t know that I belong
Maybe you’re fucking dumb
Maybe I’m just a bum
Maybe you’re fucking scum
Don’t you go psycho chum
I want you for the world
I want you all the time.”

- Pork Soda, Glass Animals


Name: Magnus Lee Roth

Age: 20

Date of Birth: July 16th

Gender: Agender 

Pronouns: They or He 

Species: Jackalope - Cryptid

Physical Description

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 175

Eyes: Green 

Hair: Brown

Physical Description: Rabbit with Deer Antlers and Red Glasses 

Typical Clothing: Red Glasses, Binder 


Personality/Attitude: Tries to be happy and uplifting most of the time but can have depressive episodes. Also very anxious. They want to be as friendly as they can but they also have quite a temper. Societal expectations of how to act aren’t really understood by them. When they get excited, they can become very brash. Magnus is neurodivergent. He has depression and anxiety. 

Talents/Skills: Drawing, Archery, Jokes,  

Favorites/Likes: laying all nuzzled in bed, eating salsa, soup, sleeping, cuddling, going to museums, actively trying to be a good supporter of things they believe in. 

Most Hated/Dislikes: Terfs, being misgendered, mushrooms, cops, the military, needles, loud noises 

Drawing Permissions 


- Sharp Teeth and fangs 

- Wearing his Red glasses 

- wearing goth, grunge, punk, or street style clothing 

- Masculine features ( Can be drawn with breasts out or binder) 

- Hanging out or interacting with your anthro character. 

- Smoking Weed.


- NSFW or Naked 

- with Feral characters 


- Pedophilia or Beastiality Related 

- No Feral NSFW 

- Absolutely no hate speech 

- No feminine terms or misgendering 

Additional Notes

Magnus Lee Roth is a chill college student. He grew up in the Midwest in a small city. Loving and trust comes easy but once its revoked it cant come back. He has depression, anxiety, and is dealing with childhood truama. He is passionate in what he believes in and he stays loyal to his friends. 

On an even more personal note.

Magnus is Priceless to me and will never be for sale. He is also how I started to discover that I am trans and agender. I have an extremely close connection with this character and they are my main fursona.