Alex Durante



5 years, 5 months ago


"Always up for a challenge!"

"The world is so big and different on so many levels.I just want to explore it.All of it! Maybe i could find my chances out of it!"

Alex Durante Info:

Satan (Father)

Beatrice Durante (Human,Esper Mother)

Carol Lavey (Human adoptive mother)

Raine Lavey (human adoptive younger brother)

Trixie (pet dog, guardian)


Alex's biological hair color is black however as a demon, his hair changes to the color white. His white hair bangs are a side effect of it. He's also heterochromatic with a brown human eye and a light blue eye with a scar scrapped on it (caused by his father). Underneath his clothing he is covered in scars and in the middle of his chest, he appears to have a light blue orb (just like one of his dad has).

His clothing is a red choker he wears around his neck, a black jacket with red fire like designs on it, a pinkish-red shirt underneath, blue jeans, ripped off and showing off his knees and he wears one red fingerless glove on his left hand.

He's also barefoot, wearing some sort of stocking like gear like the one most fighters were in fighting games (take Jin for example from Tekken).

As he grew up his sense of fashion tended to change and seemed to be more open about masculinity and femininity.


Alex is an adventurous, compassionate, calculating and down to earth type of guy, with a friendly attitude towards people, but he can be a bit snarky or sarcastic depending on how someone treats him. He loves a good fight and gets challenging about it.

Knowing about his sexual preferences, he doesn't really give them much attention since he prefers to focus on martial arts, however, he will get a bit bashful if he gets questions about it or if a person starts flirting with him, especially males.

He adores both of his biological mother Beatrice and his adoptive family with his adoptive mother Carol and his adoptive younger brother Raine and an unnamed father.

 He holds a grudge against his biological father, after all the abuse he and his biological mother went through. Sometimes he feels responsible for whatever his mother went through and gets very flustered and angry about the whole situation.

Growing up, he started to be more confident about who he is and saw life in a more positive and carefree way.


Having to deal with his father who was Satan, he went through a lot of abuse by him as a child, as Satan was trying to train him and make him one like him. Alex had a great relationship with his mom despite all that and admired how caring and loving she was. Because his mom care for him, she promised him she'll help him escape and live somewhere else, safe and sound.

One day while Satan was distracted she managed to transport him to the human world, with the little power she had, but she was left behind, weak and defenseless, at the mercy of Satan.

Alex was all alone in the human world for a while until a small puppy got close to him and kept him safe and warm, who she later became his loyal companion Trixie. Then they were both found by a woman named Carol, next to her door.

As Alex became 13, he started to bond with his family especially his adoptive father,who made him change his perspective on fatherhood in general. Being a martial artist,Alex asked him to teach him so he can get strong.

After years passed, realizing he was improving his combat skills, he began to feel like something was calling for him, getting bigger and bigger as it continued. He decided one day he'll save his biological mother from his father's abusive hands.

During his journey, he met new people and opponents, that's where they informed him about a mysterious power...

Likes: Traveling around the world, martial arts, exercising, tournaments, Trixie, his two mothers, the color black and red, hanging out with people.
Dislikes:  chest pain, smartasses, fish, water (for personal reasons), his father, his full name, abuse of any kind, when people flirt with him (he gets embarrassed)

Strength: combat skills, transformation, psychokinesis (got that from his mother, gets better at it as he grows up), supernatural strength and speed

weakness: his orb, overusing his powers (psychokinesis) can cause him headaches or even nosebleeds or make him exhausted in general but he tries to get better with that

-He's allergic to fish. And has a fear of water...

-The reason why he's a half demon half human is because Satan (who technically is the devil or a demonic entity) had a human mate,Beatrice, theoretically, the human would give birth to a "demon" child so Satan could use him as a weapon.

-The idea of him having white hair as a demon was inspired by Dante from Devil May Cry.

-He's a homosexual and it is implied he has a crush on a demon hunter with a red coat.

-His fighting style has influences from freestyle karate,capoeira and some moves from tae kwo do.

-He squeaks or squeals when he sees something that amazes him or shocks him or startles him.

-His full name is Alexander,but he doesn't want to do anything with it cuz it gives him bad memories.