
5 years, 6 months ago


"woof! woof!"

"Do not worry,I will always be there for you~"

Trixie Info:

Trixie is a celestial spirit and Alex's companion ever since childhood.She follows him on his journey and ensures he's safe and sound,giving him guidance and comfort when needed.

 It is unknown why or who sent her to him but she seems to be related to Kami.


Trixie is accepting and gentle,she hardly gets angry with people and treats them kindly.

She has her moments where she feels awkward or uncomfortable but most of the time she doesn't understand why,especially when something weird happens in front of her.

She also doesn't seem to have or feel sexual feelings towards anyone or anything.

She doesn't seem to know much about human culture but enjoys learning about how humans act and work.

Abilities: shapeshifting,healing,spiritual powers (Ether Aura,Familiar summoning,Halo combat)


1. Being a celestial spirit,in actually she doesn't have a it's easy for her to take any form she wants.Mostly a dog form.

2. She has a huge sympathy for Alex and his adoptive mother Carol.

3. The collar with the blue crystal she wears is in fact her spirit.

4.  She likes to eat regular human food despite the fact she doesn't have any organs. She doesn't gain any weight either.

5. She follows Alex around,even in battle. Mostly appears in the background but can possibly appear in Alex's special moves or win poses.