Steven Joker



5 years, 6 months ago


"Simon! do you wanna play? come on! play with me!"

Steven "Joker" Info:


Simon (Mentor,father figure)

Frank (Mentor,sees him more like an uncle or a brother)


-Orange hair

-Purple eyes (red when he's triggered.)

-white skin,with purple stripes going down his eyes.

-a black victorian like hat with two cyan feathers,a red stripe and a yellow smiley face (changes to a sinister grin with red eyes when he's triggered)

-a white shirt underneath with a red ribbon wrapped to it.

-a black waistcoat.

-Short dark purple pants with violet socks and black shoes.  


Steven is energetic and carefree,with a mind of a child.However,that does not mean he's innocent at all.

He enjoys watching people get hurt or die joyfully and sometimes,he's the one who causes that.He has a huge fascination for dolls,plushies and toys,joking and playing around even with his opponents,although those games may not be so fun for them.Steven doesn't seem to understand the difference between right or wrong and doesn't show any sign of empathy especially when it comes to extreme things,which it causes people to avoid him for their own good.He also seems to be naive when it comes to interactions or things he's not used to,just like a child and will question about it to try and understand.

When his "wild joker card" is activated,he becomes more sinister and bloodthirsty.At that point nobody seems to be able to stop him,fearing they might end up dead from his own hands.He has no sense of morality at that point and would kill anyone or anything in his way to satisfy himself.


From a young age,Steven had a very strange behavior,scaring the kids,hurting them and laughing at them or even trying to kill them.His parents tried to stop him and eventually found out what he was.Knowing there's no way of helping him to get better,they sent him to an asylum and abandoned him there.As he was growing he still seemed to have that childish but murderous behavior and even harassed and harmed some of the patients in the asylum there.

Eventually he was offered to a job with the police to hunt down criminals or terrorists,which he gladly accepted,but with some conditions....he should behave himself.

Likes: playtime,toys,puppets,fighting the bad guys or seeing them get hurt,Simon,jokes,card games.

Dislikes: being bored or ignored,when Simon's upset.

Abilities: combat skills,summoning cards and toys to fight,supernatural strength and acrobatic skills.

weakness: fire,ignoring him and confronting him with love and care.

-His design was inspired by the DC Joker and a character from Kuroshitsuji.

-Some people assume he might have a condition but in fact he's just a "Joker".Jokers are in fact demonic species,but with supernatural strength and a psychopathic child like behavior,they are very dangerous and they are very rare to be born in the monster fight universe. With the right treatment they can behave morally decent but still keep a creepy vibe to them.

-The cop's name,the one he's working with,is Simon.He's been taking responsibility for him and Steven seems to be fond of him. He constantly annoys him and asks him to play with him.Sometimes Steven will try to hug him or even abruptly prank him with innocent jokes,something that Simon isn't fond of,thinking this may not end up nicely.

-Steven seems to have a child-like fascination for Alex,since he's half-demon.

-He can rotate his head 360.