Alkaitz Montelongo



5 years, 6 months ago


Alkaitz Montelongo

leader • father • tired
Basic Info
NameAlkaitz Montelongo
Relationship StatusN/A
JobFormer Hunter, Organization Owner

Color Palette



Alkaitz is the owner of the largest demon hunter organization in North America, a very strict man who is not without empathy. Many other organizations often look to the Order for assistance when they are stretched too thin, meaning Alkaitz's hunters are often sent across Pangaea to assist.

Despite his sometimes frosty exterior, Alkaitz cares deeply for the hunters that work under him; especially the younger ones. The high mortality rate for their profession is something he can't help, so he tries to act as detached as possible in order to, in his mind, feel as little as he can when the inevitable happens.

Partnered with Antonio, the older demon brings Alkaitz nothing but stress. Their relationship is a mystery and many pity Alkaitz for being stuck with such a horrible person. Little do they know, it was Alkaitz who volunteered to pair with Antonio.

He seems to care a lot about Tau's wellbeing, though he's always hesitant to admit it. It must be because of the teen's incredibly young age--right?

Design Notes
  • He thinks a lot about how others view him, so he dresses professionally whenever he goes outside.
  • Despite Alkaitz looking thin, he's actually well built.
  • Alkaitz sticks to darker colors since his hair is bright.
  • His shoes have a slight heel to make him taller.
  • He always seems to stand with his hip cocked when he's still.

Alkaitz became a hunter when he was seventeen, only a few years older than Tau when he became licensed. By the time he was nineteen, Alkaitz was asked to inherit the Order from it's previous owner. Due to his age and his half-demon heritage, Alkaitz had to work incredibly hard to gain the respect of others in the profession.

When he turned 30, Alkaitz met the First Demons, becoming good friends with Sorien. Through this friendship, Alkatiz heard of Antonio's precarious situation and agreed to partner with him, allowing the demon to be in the outside world, but requiring him to keep to a certain distance from Alkaitz at all times. Despite their seemingly rocky chemistry, Alkaitz and Antonio do get along well, and consider each other a friend--in the barest sense of the word.

At 50 (physically, he was still in his mid 20s), Alkaitz fell in love and, at 53, married, leaving his position temporarily several times a year to visit his wife. After his 63rd year, these visits stopped, though no one really knows why. It is known that Alkaitz has a son, but he never mentions the child. When someone brings up mention of his son or child, there's a notably pained expression on Alkaitz's face.


Body Type || Alkaitz isn't exceptionally tall, but because of his long legs he often comes off as taller than he really is. His build is on the thinner side, as he relies more on his speed than his brute strength. (His demonic blood more than makes up for what he lacks) His posture is quite rigid, shoulders always squared and head high, Alkaitz tries to give off an overly serious air with his body language when he's in public. When he's out of view of prying eyes, he tends to slump and give way to his own exhaustion.

Face || Alkaitz has a strong jawline and a stronger gaze. Many of his features have a soft edge to them, retaining hints of his once youthful face. Despite being in his seventies, Alakitz barely looks like he's hit his late thirties (something he's very thankful for). Upturned, sharp golden eyes have years worth of bags he's long since given up on getting rid of. He's often told he looks like he's always glaromg at someone, even if he isn't. Thicker brows are the biggest culprit of making Alkaitz seem constantly upset, no matter how much he tries to smooth the wrinkle in his brow.

Alkaitz's skin is tanned naturally, as he rarely ever leaves his office. There are scares of varying sizes visible on many places across his body, nicks and dings from years of hunting. One of the most noticeable is the scar that crosses the bridge of his straight, greek nose. Another goes from right beneath his left ear to his collar bone.

Hair || Alkaitz's hair is generally kept to just above his chest, straight and a deep crimson. It is usually tied up in various ways, as he prefers to keep it out of the way. Sometimes keeping it up gives him headaches, so he'll let it down and sweep it over one shoulder. When he's bored, he tends to braid it over his shoulder. Many hunters find it amusing when Alkaitz begins braiding his hair in the middle of a meeting--they don't think he realizes he's even doing it.

Accessories || Alkaitz tends to keep a pair of daggers in a holster on his thigh at all times. He also keeps a pair tucked into a pocket on the inside of his jackets. He wears a simple ring on a necklace that he keeps tucked into his shirt. He has his ears pierced and the earrings alternate through different designs throughout the weeks, never anything too flashy.

  • Quiet.
  • Days he can sleep in.
  • When Antonio doesn't have much to complain about.
  • Days when no one dies.
  • Antonio's complaining.
  • High risk requests.
  • The leader of the European organization, Zackary.
  • Death.
  • Alkaitz is a dog person.
  • If you ask him about Antonio's good points, he gets really frustrated having to think of any.
  • He keeps a picture of his son in a locked drawer in his office.
  • Antonio likes to tease Alkaitz, who hates it immensely.