


8 years, 3 months ago



Name  Kendall Coriander 
Nickname(s) Kasey, KC, Kase
BirthdayNovember 21, 1995
Pronouns She/her
Sexuality Biromantic Grey Ace
Occupation Student
Species Cat (Somali mix)

Kasey is a tall, chubby cat with rounded features and large ears. She's usually described as "cute" by many, and usually others interpret her as nice & innocent at first glance. 

She stands at 5'9", not counting the ears. 

She wears a mix of colors, but usually prefers yellow, orange, and black. 

Kasey is a friendly, ambiverted person. She likes being spontaneous and fun when she can, though she generally prefers to follow rules (unless it's a sure thing she won't get caught). 

She eats basically whatever she feels like at any given time. She really enjoys sweet food and Thai food, and eats meat and vegetables and whatever else. 

Aesthetic themes:

/ rolling hills covered in yellow flowers /  

/ pink sunsets over deserts /

/ ocean waves on dark sand / 



OPENNESS : HIGH Kasey likes trying new things when they can shove past their anxiety about stuff. They love trying new foods and stuff because...... food is Good and low-risk and there's so MUCH of it... it's All Tastey. They love exploring, in the real world and the digital, and want to learn as much as they can (though they're a bit on the lazy side, so the enthusiasm for knowledge is often tempered). They get really nervous about being "good enough" at new things when pressure is involved, and so tend to avoid things where their performance will be judged. They're relatively creative and like doing art and writing projects. 

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS : LOW Though Kasey loves starting projects, they do have a hard time completing all of them. They're more of an ideas person, throwing out plan after plan to be taken up or scrapped later. If something doesn't hold their interest, they have no qualms about dropping it. They tend to be distracted somewhat easily, and have a preference for winging things. This often translates into flexibility as well. They will not hesitate to jump onto something that's already started, or pick something up where it was left a year ago, or alter plans as needed.

Some part of their fickleness is due to a lack of confidence; they tend to get overwhelmed by tasks and people (or more specifically, by their perceived inability to handle said tasks and people). They have a tendency to try to come back to things once they feel more confident. 

EXTROVERSION : MEDIUM Kasey is very firmly ambiverted; they need time with friends, and need time to recharge after a lot of socialization. They tend to get bored and restless when left alone for too long. They very much enjoy being the center of attention when they're feeling up to it, but they need to feel pretty comfortable with their position in a group to be able to do so. They tend to be friendly and open towards strangers, generally trusting, and all-around pretty kind. They sometimes have a hard time maintaining relationships, though, as they have a handful of self-confidence issues and have a VERY hard time setting boundaries with anyone (including people they're very comfortable with otherwise). They Know, Conceptually, That Doing This Is Bad. AND YET,

AGREEABLENESS : HIGH They're generally VERY interested in other people. They like learning about them, they like talking to them, they like getting the full picture of others' lives. They can be very empathetic when it's called for, and love helping others when they have the energy for it. They do tend to retreat without warning when they feel overwhelmed, though. Their lack of boundaries usually means this happens Frequently. they're doing their best. 


Fun facts

She hates cucumbers. 

She also regularly forgets glaringly obvious facts about herself, instead remembering about once every year or so and acting like it's a big discovery. Examples include: that she doesn't like most people, that she's pretty judgmental internally, that she's smart, that people find her likeable, etc. 


very blatant self-insert. like. this is just me. everything here is basically autobiographical with some tweaks. koro is just an amalgamation of people i've been close to through my life with a HEALTHY dash of projection and wish-fulfillment. 


[Organized by timeframe]

- ERA 1 -

Early High School

Animal - Neon Trees

[Uh-oh, I want some more / uh-oh, what're you waiting for?]

Weekend - Last Dinosaurs

[With her voice she said / "I'd die for you any day"]

- ERA 2 -

Late High School

Girls Your Age - Transviolet

[17 running from innocence / like it's a lion / nippin' at my heels, / but I'm young so I outrun 'em.]

We Looked Like Giants - Death Cab for Cutie

[You'd skip your early classes / and we'd learn how our bodies worked.]

Lightness - Death Cab for Cutie

[There's a tear in the fabric / of your favorite dress / and I'm sneaking glances]

Putting the Dog to Sleep - The Antlers

[Prove to me / I'm not gonna die alone.]

Kettering - The Antlers

['Cause you'd been abused by the bone that refused you / and you hired me to make up for that.]

Pop Song - STRFKR

[You've got the money and the heartache //  Your body is a world / as deep as it gets / lying by the sea]

Future Me Hates Me - The Beths

[There's something about you / that makes me want to go through / future heartbreak]

Pedestrian At Best - Courtney Barnett

[Put me on a pedestal / I'll only disappoint you]

- ERA 3 -

Early college

Some Crap About The Future - Electric President

[I stop and watch the airplanes leave the city, / and I silently wish I was on one. ]

Tongue Tied - Grouplove

[Take me to your best friend's house, / marmalade / we're making out.]

MY KZ, UR BF - Everything Everything

[And I wanna know what happened to your boyfriend, / 'cause he was lookin' at me like "WOAH"]

Japanese Gum - Her Space Holiday

[I just want every boy I see / to walk away with part of me.]

i was all over her - salvia plath 

[Every stranger / makes me feel safer, / and every person / seems more beautiful.]

Flashlight - The Front Bottoms

[And he says "Hey you're good at that" / and she says "thanks, / it's kind of all I've got." / And then she looks away and says / "It's also / all I need."]

Nihilist Party Anthem

[Baby, don't fight it, / come on get excited, / don't you want to feel this way forever?]

- ERA 4 -

Early-ish college

Apartment - Modern Baseball

[I walk home with my eyes low / dreaming up conversations we'll have tomorrow.]

The Weekend - Modern Baseball

[You've got a smile that lights this town, / and we might need it. / Most of my old friends I can only stand for the weekend, / but that doesn't apply here.]

Rock Bottom - Modern Baseball

[To hell with the spins, I'm staying. / There's no good reason why I / should leave your bed tomorrow.]

The Mess She Made - Darwin Deez

[And the more I drink with you / the more I see the mess she made. / Pour your drink down the drain / and we'll wash away the mess she made.]

Everyday - Modern Baseball

[You need to hide, / it's in your framework. / Look me in the eyes / and act like I don't know how shame works.]

Maple Syrup - The Backseat Lovers

[Did it hurt? / When I kicked you to the curb? / Now I'm all alone; / I guess I'll never learn.]

- ERA 5 -

Mid College

Broken Cash Machine - Modern Baseball

[Why did I do that? / Why does everything collapse / even when it's glued together?]

Re-Do - Modern Baseball

[No monumental moment / ever came from saying / "C'mon dude, just take one more shot. / Try to / try to forget / that your bones will dismantle]

My Teeth Are Falling Out - The Antlers

[One bad night two bad decisions don't divide to cancel out]

Tattooed Tears - The Front Bottoms

[You had me go from what I thought was sliding carefully / to seriously slipping out of control.]

Sick - Crying

[All the signs keep telling me to / stay away / from what my body don't want.]

It's Only Sex - Car Seat Headrest

[Honey I'm cultured, / I'm very sex-positive. / What is this feeling? / It ain't so positive.]

12 Feet Deep - The Front Bottoms

['Cause you are water 12 feet deep / and I am boots made of concrete]

Lipstick Covered Magnet - The Front Bottoms 

[And I'm gonna get on my knees, / would you kick me in the face please? / It'll make whatever I say sound like poetry.] 

Swimming Pool - The Front Bottoms

[There's no doubt in my mind that if you could then you would try / to crack my ribcage open / and pull my heart right through.]

Basic Instinct - The Acid 

[Push me back in, / silent in sin. // I'm tired, I don't want it.]

Affection - Cigarettes After Sex 

[What does it mean / if I tell you to go fuck yourself / or if I say / that you're beautiful to me?]

Dirty Ickies - Sorority Noise

[When we broke up / you told me to try and find myself / so I found myself in someone else's bed.]

ES - Crying

[How does the world perceive me / perceiving myself? / All I care to do is / sip on beer and chocolate milk.]

Hard Times - Paramour

[All that I want / is to wake up fine]

Barf Day - Diet Cig

[I'm sick of being my own best friend. // I know that you're sorry, I just don't care.]

Two Beers In - Free Throw

[The more that I drink the more that I feel / broken, and alone / at a party with friends.]

How to Never Stop Being Sad - Dandelion Hands

[Drown all of your feelings in old, stolen rum; // you're drinking bottled love now, baby. // You don't need other people to drive away your loneliness / you just needed to figure out how to talk to it.]

Rubber Traits - Why? 

[Cut my DNA with rubber traits / pull apart the double helix like a wishbone]

Look Out - Modern Baseball

[Look out, I'm on a search for self-destruction]

Nightmares - Easy Life

[No one gives a fuck about my nightmares / but it's nothing you should worry yourself about.]

- ERA 6 -

Late College

Closer Than Ever - Bulldog Eyes

[Hey, how've you been? // Remember how your lover used to love you?]

Backflip - Modern Baseball

[And there is nothing wrong with my lifestyle, / no matter how many times I tell myself // Thank you for understanding / my side of the story the best that you could.]

You Are The Coffin - Flatsound

[Is that the reason you're too scared to go downtown? / She said "It's my own body, I did what I wanted / ever since God made me bleed"]

Constant Conversations - Passion Pit

[You're standing in the kitchen / and you're pouring out my drink. / Well there's a very obvious difference, / and it's that one of us can think.]

Young Adult - Ritt Momney

[Though it's not pleasant to feel, / it's the only thing that's real. / Any comfort you can get / is one night you won't regret.]

Ribs - Lorde

[You're the only friend I need / sharing beds like little kids, / laughing 'til our ribs get tough / but that will never be enough.]

Everything Is Shit Except My Friendship - Ball Park Music

[Opened up about my lifestyle, ended up in tears. / Everything is shit except my friendship / with you.]

- ERA 7 -

After College

Animal - Coast Modern

[What I think I need / I'm wrong every time]

Heart is a Muscle - Decorator

[This lonely feeling never stops. / This heart it beats around the clock. / You never seem to understand, / so I just drown myself in alcohol.]

We're Not Just Friends - Parks, Squares, and Alleys

[We don't need nothing / except each other / but there's no reason to say it out loud.]

Boys - Bulldog Eyes

[Fake a smile for southern California. // Washed up on your shore / passed out on your floor, / am I wrong for wanting more?]

Weekend Friend - Goth Babe

[I will try to leave you alone. // I got you alone, but I don't really know.]

Creature - It Looks Sad.

[Acid flashbacks in your kitchen // I am in love with someone, / and guess what, it's not you.]

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