Wren Laural



5 years, 9 months ago


Name Wren Laural
Age 21
Height 5'6" ft
Build Masculine & Skinny
Species Nunuke
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Pansexual
Residence Below Xygoroth's Surface
Occupation University Student
Worth $22
Designer Guppie-vibes



Wren is quiet and grumpy. It's hard to get him to talk to you if you're an unfamiliar face. If you even dare to try, he'll either glare at you in response or he'd shoot back with some rude and snarky remarks. There is no middle ground with him. He's a cynical and pessimistic bastard. He expects the worst from everything and everyone.

He's extremely stubborn. It can either benifit him or make situations worst, and he wouldn't care either way.


  • Limited Time-Then Forever Gone: Tail Companion
  • Limited Time-Then Forever Gone: Glowing Pearls
  • Limited Time-Then Forever Gone: Frozen "Icicle" Tail Goop
  • Bigger Pearl Shapes
  • Extra Eye (4)
  • Unattached Eye (4)
  • Mixed Eye Colors
  • Long Ears
  • Body Goop
  • Mixed Goop Colors
  • Tail PomPom Material: Crystal/Glass Type
  • Extra Tail Stinger (5)
    Total: 22 Traits


  • Wren's majoring in criminology.
  • His tail companion is named Oreo and it screams at him very often.
  • He cries goop, even when he's not sad or anything. It just happens and he hates it.
  • He has very messy hair and hates having to wear anything that isn't an oversized sweater.
  • He loves reading books a lot, specifically non-fiction books.



Wren's childhood life was pretty typical. Boring, as he would call it. It was filled with routine and he hated it. He hated the kids at school and foune them all to be boring. It's not like he was a social outcast who couldn’t fit in, it's that he didn’t want to. He never wanted anything to do with his peers. He did very well at school, but he was mostly known as a cocky know-it-all.

As he progressed through life, Wren found himself getting interested in the world around him. He wanted to know how and why things worked. Learning the 'how' questions were definitely a lot easier to answer than the 'why'. He'd spend many hours reading books. He looked at the things he learned in a way that made him nihilistic towards life and even more cynical towards the people he interacts with.

Wren practically went from one friend to another during high school, sometimes none at all at a period of time. He quickly got bored of them as they did with him. Once he was in college, he met someone that he would call a friend. They had a lot of interests in common. One drawback with this friendship is that she was unbearable, poking him, asking too many personal questions, trying way too hard to scare him, you name it. It was a girl named Ollie. Regardless of how much he expressed his hate for her, she actually brings a lot of interest in his daily life, considering how unpredictable she can be.

Now she just follows him around 80% of the time as if he had another tail companion. Though if she didn't follow him around, he'd find himself bored out of his mind.


Ollie | best friend
He's very close with Ollie; She's one of the few people that would tolerate him and that's really the minimum he looks for in a friend. It seems like he hates her but he really enjoys her company.
Rhona | best friend
Close friends! He met her through Ollie. He finds her beliefs laughable and sometimes spooks her because of her nativity. They have a common interest in death, though.
Ace | cousin
Close cousin. They share a similar outlook in life. He hates how snarky she is. He's been seeing her less since she's moved to the surface.
Jaq | cousin
He's not very close with her. He thinks she's a normie.
Wednesday | mutual friend
Wren is a mutual friend that Wednesday got acquainted with through Rhona. Wednesday is a bit intimidated by his rather grouchy demeanor and is cautious around him.
Mila | mutual friend
A mutual friend he knows through Rhona.
Heidi | mutual friend
A mutual friend he knows through Rhona's girlfriend.
Liu | mutual friend
A mutual friend he knows through Rhona's girlfriend.
Spencer | nephew
"Nephew? Since when? What?"
Ava | classmate
He doesn't even interact with her in class but he does think she's a massive bitch from what he's seen.