Tanner White



5 years, 5 months ago


Tanner White

37 . Male . March 25th

Decked in floral patterns and loose, billowing blouses, Tanner still  manages to be absolutely polarizing with his intense demeanor. He's  strong, you can tell by looking at him. He's angry, you can tell by the  emptiness behind his eyes while he speaks sweetly with a warm smile.

"You could work for me" he says. "You could be my girl."

Organized  crime has been a life long thing for Tanner. He's always been good at  it, a silver tongue with the brawn and brains to back it up gets a guy  pretty far in life, his sweet talk and outwardly soft behaviour makes it  easy to pick up young girls with tired eyes. After all, he can take  care of them, he can give them a place to stay, they'll never want for  anything ever again as long as they stay with him. Crime isn't that bad.  Once you get past your first kill, it's easy, second nature even.

He  learned violence young. Fist fights at eight years old to get out the  confusion and aggression from being abandoned by his mother would turn  into knife fights at twelve, gang initiation at fifteen, and climbing  the ranks from there. He's good at it after all, he's a natural born  killer, with an ultimate goal of killing his brother.