


5 years, 9 months ago


Design is by me, Armor design is from Fallout New Vegas

Name: Marsyas
Gender: Male?
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: Tatiana (Wife)
Species: Human
Age: 57
Birthday: March 4th

Personality: Although he has been in the Legion since it’s founding, he cannot stand them. However he cannot do anything to leave it as his disdain for both the Legion and Caesar is not hidden from Caesar himself. Marsyas cares for his recruits and does his best to give them advice when needed, even hoping that someday they’d look past the Legions ideals (They don’t). Unlike most Legionaries, Marsyas knew his wife from his previous tribe. Both of them would sometimes talk about the idea of leaving the Legion but never actually go through with the plan. Marsyas secretly hates his position and blames himself a lot for a lot of advances the Legions made in its conquest, not like he had any choice.

Story: Marsyas grew up in a tribe in Utah that was in short constant battles with other tribes. When he was 23, his tribe was one of the ones that lost against the Blackfoots. He was forced to watch his father died and made into a Recruit. 9 years later, he had rose to the rank of Decanus. His previous Centurion was killed and Marsyas was promoted, and given along with his promotion, the knowledge that Caesar knows his true feelings towards both him and the faction. Marsyas married Tatiana shortly afterwards, but the two were unable to go through with any plans of leaving the Legion now that they know Caesar was watching them. By 2276, Marsyas was sent to the Mojave to fight in the Battle of Hoover Dam. In 2281, Momus became one of his recruits and when the Legion lost the war, Marsyas made Momus his new Decanus after his previous one died in that battle. They went back to Flagstaff where Marsyas felt more at ease now that Caesar was dead. Marsyas spends the next 10 years afterwards keeping an eye on the city as the Legion falls apart around them, until the city is attacked by the NCR and Courier. Marsyas ends up getting shot and uses his final moments to convince Momus to abandon the Legion. Marsyas dies right outside of Flagstaff, his body later found by his wife, the NCR, and a friend