


5 years, 4 months ago


A typical woman with a sharp passion for pro wrestling, she started training when she was 15 under a beloved aging star and made her debut at a young 18 years old. Lucille is well known for her ruthless streak and unorthodox goals: titles, championships, and belts aren’t exactly what she’s after. She’s just looking for stronger opponents to overcome. She cares about power, money and fame -- roughly in that order.

Despite her serious, stoic nature, she’s fairly beloved by fans for her intense work ethic, her dedication to the sport, and her objectively awesome matches. She won her first championship at 21 -- the cruiserweight title at APW. After that, she skyrocketed to a position of note in the American indie scene. She remained there for a few golden years, making her name as a singles competitor, until she met the idiot who would become her tag team partner.

She met Brim (who she exclusively calls by his last name, Jones -- Brimstone is a stupid ring name, she says) seven years into her career as a wrestler. Jones was a rookie at the time, but showed some clear promise in the ring. She volunteered to train him and, instead of accepting her help like any normal person would, Jones made her a bet: if he beat her in their first spar, they’d be tag partners for the “next year or so”. Never one to back down, Lucille accepted.

Long story short: she lost, and five years later they’re an inseparable and unstoppable duo. They’ve won a few tag team championships together, and are considered the top tag team of their home promotion, APW. Lucy still takes single matches from time to time, but she’s far more beloved when she’s holding back her idiotic demon friend from doing something dumb, or saving his ass after he’s done something dumb.


"Tag me in, Jones!"

Unlike her tag team partner, Lucy is just a normal human being with a mean right hook. It's worth noting that Lucy is from a mirror dimension where Pro Wrestling is 100% real, all of the magic in it is 100% real, and absolutely 0% of it is faked.

Being a normal human being amidst actual vampires and demons and werewolves is pretty insane, when you think about it — but Lucxlle's been a championship contender since she first hit the scene nearly a decade ago. No one's quite sure where her inner strength comes from, but it's a force to be reckonded with.

A lot of strikes, a lot of dropkicks, a lot of submission holds. Her finisher is a back elbow strike on a kneeling opponent.

Confident, stoic. Knows she can win. Doesn't make a big deal out of it.

Quiet, intimidating. Doesn't say a lot of words. This makes every word out of her mouth scarier.

Lonely, sadistic. Has a very small social circle, many of whom barely tolerate her and her passion for schadenfreude. Thinks slapstick comedy is funny, but only when it happens in-person.

Guarded, loyal. Rarely opens up to people. Would (metaphorically?) kill for the people she trusts.

professional wrestler
breaking arms
Wrong move.
  • Punk music
  • Tag-team wrestling
  • Chess as a concept
  • Pink Drink
  • Youtube poops
  • Coffee
  • Her friends getting hurt
  • Forgetting to pay rent
  • Memory loss