


5 years, 5 months ago


Ugh... I hate water.


  • Gold
  • Rare plants
  • Watching stars
  • Spicy food
  • five


  • Too much atenttion
  • Beign in crowded places
  • Water 
  • Loosing someone
  • Shapeshifters


  • She gives combat lessons for young teenagers
  • In her free time, she visits many other dimensions
  • She has a small collection of rare plants found in other worlds
  • She lives with her brother in a big tree house
  • ---
 NAME   Amber 
 PRONOUNS   She/her 
 AGE   21 
 HEIGHT   2,1m 
 SPECIES   Dranix 
 RACE   --- 
 GENDER   Female 
 OCCUPATION   Warrior 
 THEME  song

Amber is an adventurous dranix who always puts her best foot forward. She's great in a fight, but sometimes she can overdoes it. Despite that, Amber is a very good material for a friend.








Amber is a pretty nervous, introverted soul. She's been through a lot in her life, which makes her a pretty stressed person. However, she tries to not show it because she hates to show her weaknesses. She loves to brag and likes to build up her ego. However, despite this, she is not a mean person. She can be nice to her friends. She can. However, that doesn't change the fact that she quite often accuses her ironic sentences to her loved ones.


Amber is the second child of the royal couple that rules over Dranix United Kingdom. Her childhood was great until she saw her older sister Twilight escaping at night form castle, while there was a dangerous beast in the woods. She told Castle guardians that her beloved sister is in danger and she guided them where her sister go. Because of that, her sister got attacked by monster 'cus it sensed coming guardians. It thought Twilight didn't come to talk but that she wanted to attack it by sending guardians on it. After that incident, Amber had a really bad relationship with Twilight. Twilight was even planning to hire an assasin to kill amber during her coronation as a princess. But when it was about to happen, Twilight felt instant regret of her actions and she was the one that was killed. Amber seeing that, with full grief and desperation, she killed the one who took her beloved sister away. After that she had to escape from kingdom 'cus she would be executed.

When she was escaping, she felt to a riverbed and she almost drowned. fortunetly she was saved by an old man that was going back to his home. He took young amber to his home and with help of his wife, they managed to save Ambers life. They adopted her, and rised her as an good person. 

Fun Facts

-She cleans herself just like cats does

-She got her scars after fighting a plant monster

-She's quite sassy if it comes to strangers


She lives in Virilla. The magic planet where human kind is gone and Shapeshifters tries to take over the world. She and her close friends are warriors of amulet, that fights with reptilians and tries to bring peace to world. 

Supernova  Brother 

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Marco  Apprentice 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.