


4 years, 2 months ago


OMG hi!!! Wanna be friends???


  • fun
  • sweets
  • blankets
  • adorable boys
  • singing


  • sour things
  • sharp things
  • bullying
  • ---
  • ---


  • Her favourite food are Choclate chip cookies
  • Her favourite drink is apple juice
  • Her favourite colour is red
  • Her favourite animal are cats
  • she hates when it's cold and she won't leave her cozy home while it's snowing
 NAME  Churz 
 AGE   16
 HEIGHT   150cm
 SPECIES   Shapeshifter
 RACE   ---
 GENDER   genderless
 ORIENTATION   pan.rom/demi
 THEME  song

Churz is a shapeshifter. their type of shapeshifter, that can manipulate their body and she can freely chenge it, depending on her mood. they can change they colours but not to much. they can add some additional organs or limbs or they even can transform into other species! 








Churz has two mods. One is active mode and the other one is regeneration mode. There's no in-between.

In the active mode, they're highly active physically and mentally. They can't sit in one place and has to do something. They also quite often over-reacts to anything and takes things to literally. they often eats food and drinks a lot in that mode, but not in big portions. Wants to spend time with her friends or actually anyone. She's often out of the house and comes back to it to wash herself and go to sleep. She takes a really good care of her hair and feels sick if someone wants to cut her precious hair. 

In the regeneration mode, she's mostly antisocial and prefers to be left alone. She often feel exhausted and sleeps most of the time. She becomes quite apathetic and sometimes she becomes quite suicidal. If she's about to meet someone, she just goes out with things she has on her. For ex.: She often goes out in some dirty hoodie, sweats and sneakers. She doesn't even care if her hair are a mess or not. She doesn't eat much in that mode, eventually eat one meal per day.


No serious history. She just exist and appears in random places if she wants to. She's my silly comfort character and that's it.


She doesn't live in any particular world. She can live in any au, depending on my personal mood. But in general she lives in a small cave with some furnitures like couch, some pillows, closet, things that help her cook, and a fire pit, so she wouldn't freeze. 

Design notes

  • you can be creative! Add other limbs, change her colours or even change her shape.
  • If you want to change her shape, the main colours (brown, red, white and creeamy) stays!
  • Please draw her in any kind of hoodies!
  • her eyes glow when it's dark and she can't do anything about it.
  • you can draw shitposts with her, go ahead - I will be glad for some shitpost content.

NAME  relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

NAME  relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.