


5 years, 6 months ago



Age 689

Height 5' 9"

Gender Female

Species Bat Demon

Orientation unknown

Illiana is a demon queen. Born and raised within the Demon Realm, she is the leader of the faction known as "The Ghosts". Illiana is a peaceful and empathatic leader- often the first one to take in refugees and give asylum to creatures from other realms. While most of the other factions respect that she doesnt condone violence, there are rumors of a possible assult on her kingdom. Illiana is considered to be the "weaker" of the rulers, but older demons know to be cautious.

Illiana can be described as polite, and reserved. She is a bat demon gifted with the powers of cold. Most of the time you will see her with a polite smile, or chatting with anyone who would like to talk. Behind closed doors she is very contemplative. She spends her time catching up on paperwork and playing chess. Illiana comes from a line of rulers and her family has held the throne for as far back as most can remember. Her parents were recently murdered after leaving to make a treaty with The Spirit Realm. All evidence points to another faction in the Demon Realm, but Illiana is not convinced. As a result her current relationship with the Spirit Realm is strained.

"Um...excuse me? Are you alright?..."