
Gender: Female
Age: 20s
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Green
Tail Color: Purple
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Loves: Helping, casting spells
Hates: Feeling left out, Death and killing people

    Born in Aquinous but was close to some magical substance at some part of her life making her a hybrid of a mermaid and a catgirl. Growing up was a bit of a struggle given her dual nature, but she always tried to keep a happy nature around herself and others. One day while researching, she decided to go for magic using, inspired by research and decorations around Halloween-time. Over tine and way too much studying later, she's basically known as a more advance magic user at a young age. Now, she is mainly known as a wandering mage, going from place to place to attempt to help people who need her help, as well as cheering kids along the way. She is also known for saying Chu instead of I.