Manami Neko



4 years, 10 months ago


Gender: Female

Age: ??? (Legal)

Birthday: February 11th

Height: 5' 1"

Hair color: Light Brunette

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Light Brunette

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Job: None

Loves: Tuna, Catnip, Sunlight

Hates: Long baths, Cold Weather

    Manami was born in a southern city, but ran away or abandoned at age 13. It not really known why she ran, or if she has family similar to her kind or a human foster family, as she likes to keep that a secret from others. She currenty resides in an inn outside of a seaside city. While she wishes to be anywhere else, there's nowhere else for her to go really. Finding a job has been hard for her as well, especially with her bad hand-eye cordination. So she currently just resides in the inn like a house pet, though she keeps trying to make herself better so she could possibly have a home of her own one day.