


5 years, 9 months ago


Vanta Richard Vantaba

Name Vanta
Age Late 30s
Gender Male
Race 3/4 demon hybrid
Height 5'9
Previous Occupation Monster Hunter
Current Occupation Devil Hunter
Affiliation Devil May Cry

"What, I can't choose a side based on how much of my blood belongs to another? That's a shame, because I'm gonna get you anyways."

Demon and human blood hardly ever mix, let alone in a functioning creature. The unification of the two is rare nowadays and especially so if it came about naturally, when the two sides see eye-to-eye. In spite of this, a demon and a demon hybrid came together and raised a child, who'd go on to slay monsters and eventually his own kind. Not out of hatred-- it's money in this day and age, and you have to have it to keep a roof over your head. Thankfully, it looks like these parts sell well enough to keep this shop open for years to come. And the parent company? Not exactly well off, but I do what I can to keep it afloat.


  • Jokester
  • Standoffish
  • Cocky
  • Gentle
  • Understanding
  • Persuasive

Despite his occupations being considered ‘unprofessional’, Vanta maintains a very serious, very business-based attitude as a front. On stepping foot in his shop, he’s all business and ready to attend to whatever needs to be done. Because of this, he has a reputation of being somewhat uptight or ‘too good’ to take smaller jobs, but he often demolishes these assumptions in a few minutes of meeting him. This attitude has helped him become a welcome member in the community around his setup.

When not in combat or occupied with work, he proves to be more human than his blood lets on. He’s surprisingly emotional for a demon, perhaps because of the sliver of of human blood. In a casual environment, he proves to be almost bubbly in conversation, not letting anything get past his quick wit or sharp tongue. He prides himself on riddles and jokes, due to the type of demon his father was.

In being so open with his emotions, Vanta often expresses his negative emotions almost amplified above humans. He’s nigh-incapable of crying, because of his blood, but there’s no denying that when he’s able to shed tears, they’ll keep coming. If the human side is suppressed long enough, it becomes overwhelming and impossible to ignore before he finally gives in and breaks down. However, these breakdowns are few and far between, and he does well to hide that they even happen in the first place.

Ironically, despite his attitude, he hasn’t sworn all too often. He has his moments where he deems words have become applicable, but they’re often of demonic tongue and undecipherable to human ears. These are often ‘small’ curses though, and he only said ‘fuck’ once.


Born of a full-blood demon mother and a human-demon hybrid father. They met entirely on accident; Arma’s services were requested by Sparda, to oversee a small human settlement in eastern Italy. While she was there, she met Ryan while he attempted to guard a group of humans from an onslaught of demons. As Richard, he had a very comfortable early life, living in a small house with his parents on the coast of Santorini. He was there for about four years before Arma’s deal ended and had to move again to stay with her occupation, so the family packed up and moved stateside. There, they had a larger house in rural areas around Capulet City, where Richard spent the rest of his younger years.

At the age of ten, his father was imprisoned in an anti-demon rally, and never had bail posted. This was around the time of the revolt on Sparda, meaning his mother got caught up in the fighting. She left for a year, but left him in the hands of a nearby church. There, he faced some discrimination, as he was just starting to learn to hide his demonic limbs and had to deal with frequent ‘shedding’. One of the pastors was more than glad to hide his heritage, often ushering him into ‘Bible studies’ where he would teach Richard about Devil Hunters. With these thoughts in mind, he took up the name Vanta on urging of the pastor (who turned out to be a Devil Hunter himself), and began personal training in the backyard of his home.

When his mother returned, he brought up his new wishes and dream to be a Hunter. She agreed to train him, but only against monsters, explaining that going against his own kind would be a disservice to his very blood with how much of it ran Demonic. He trained for the next six years, frequenting both the city and the mountain range outside to hone his monster hunting skills and arm himself to the teeth for his job.

It wasn’t long after his seventeenth birthday that he got the money to procure a small shop in the bounds of the city. His mother left him with a newly forged set of pistols and one of the blades from her collection before taking off for yet another job. As far as he’s aware, his father is dead and his mother is fighting to return to hell, to see what the state of affairs is like and if there’s any sign of her previous employer.

Six years of successful monster hunting passed. Because of his proximity in the city while still at the ready to go far outside the boundaries for some monsters, he gained a reputation of curating some of the rarest parts for the cheapest prices. Gryffin talons, wyvern eyes, jackalope horns; he kept a little bit of everything around, except for demon parts.

Weapons & Abilities

Pater, Filius, and Sancti
A set of three handguns crafted for Vanta's personal use.

Adam & Eve
Twin blades that can be interlocked to form the broadsword, Angelus.

Demon physiology
The typical demonic abilities, namely immense strength and stamina.

Devil Trigger
Unlocks his 'true form' for a limited period of time; completely loses control.







Devil Trigger

Being ¾ demon, Vanta can tap into his mother’s blood and access his true form. The diluted blood results in a human shape, but beastly features are maintained, especially in the lower body. His wings, especially, are inherited from his mother and her more feathered aesthetic, combined with his father’s draconic wingspan.

All of the slits that glow gold can leak a bright ichor that burns any that touch it; he weaponizes this by using his power to freeze it in the air to create needles and blades.

As his blood is more demon than human, however, it’s very easy for him to lose himself in this form if he’s not careful about how he uses it. One wrong move or any intense smells of human blood or sight of carnage can result in a loose cannon scenario, where he either has to be talked down or shot at to snap from it. This doesn’t happen often though, as he distances himself from humans when on the job.


  • The pads of his hands and feet is incredibly thick to the point of almost being armor, but can still register sensation just fine. He can discern softness, and has a habit of sleeping in very soft materials.
  • His eyes reflect light in total darkness, regardless of what form he’s in.
  • Enjoys peppers on his pizza.
  • Has an education in the demonic tongue, and knows small phrases in Enochian. Not enough to get him around in conversation by a long shot, but he likes the aesthetic of it.



Elias Fonzeworth

"Business buddy"; fellow Monster Hunter

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