


5 years, 6 months ago


Character Name

Subheading 1
4th of Rain's Wake
Lime green
County of Origin
Kingdom of the Twin-Drakes
Female presenting

Ack'tael(birth), Louh'Gut
Nam'duhl, Bei'dok
Vaer'luh, Bardog, Gok, Sanzi, Sil, Turl, Dal'Szin, Namoi, Erdi, Tor'rahn, Gerlei, Haelo, Gildin, Daron, Joni, Temra, Tetra
"If I had a copper for every time I've wanted to strangle someone. . ."
― Nam'rae

Nam'rae is an oracle originating from the rustic lands of The Twin Snakes. At a young age, a snake split from her body. She subsequently fled to a monastery to escape the social chastisement for her cursed nature. Her lessons at the monastery shaped most of her beliefs now. Including her intense protection of life, believing that cutting short the cycles of rebirth damages the very world she inhabits. This as well as her own responsibilities and inability to gain inheritance, cause her to scorn those who inherit great wealth and assets by name alone. Currently, on a Pilgrimage of her own making, she travels with a Party of Misfits as they seek fortune and adventure. Her newfound freedom allowing her to engage in various vices such as drinking, and acts of carnal knowledge. She may be stubborn, brash, and arrogant, but she at least tries to keep the party from becoming a band of raiding marauders.


Though Nam'rae may look like an ordinary Lizardfolk to any outsider, those who are more familiar with the race could tell you something is inherently off about her build and structure. Certain traits such as her narrow eyes and long tongue give hints at her true heritage. Along her left side, one might assume there to be a tattoo coiled down her arm. Though her indulgences have left their mark on her she is a far cry from being comparable to some other member of her party. Through her extensive training in the monastery has given her a definitive muscle evenly distributed across her body. She has large slitted lime green eyes, and some of the scales on her face, shoulders, and thighs are discolored, like her mother. On her hands and feet, she also has long sharp nails. Her armor is usually minimalistic allowing her to maneuver freely. Her new outfit, although still maneuverable, has far more elegance and style to it. 


         Being isolated most of her life has made Nam'rae quite adventurous and she's keen to try new things and explore new places. She is very charming and most find some common ground with which they can bond over with her. She prefers to work with others to accomplish things greater than one individual, but this doesn't stop her from facing something alone should she believe it must be done. She's usually very physical and rowdy, having grown up with so many siblings. Nam'rae is very confident in herself which can lead to her being particularly sassy to those around her. Usually, this plays into her very endearing presence. Nam'rae usually tries to have a positive impression on nearly everyone she meets, despite differences in ideals. Though when she butts heads with someone it's a slippery slope to ruining their relationship. Nam'raes indulgence in many vices allows her to find common ground on almost anyone. She is able to recognize allies are worth more than enemies or acquaintances. If she finds someone alluring however she has a hard time saying no and controlling her actions She can lose herself very easily with these means of debauchery and overindulge leading to others haveing to break her from her addiction. This is especially apparent when she is upset as she uses them as a means to escape. Nam'rae can be extremely stubborn and hard to convince, but, usually one only sees these traits when already in a bad relationship with her as she tries to spite them. She often resorts to physical violence when angered even if it may not provide the best outcome. Nam'rae's arrogance can cause her to attempt to take charge of a situation. This might not always be aligned with the party's interests.


         Nam'rae was born as a bastard, the first child of Tahl'dae. During her youth, she lived on the outskirts of a shoreline city. Her mother, knowing Nam'rae was a result of her betrayal, often neglected Nam'rae. Giving her only the most basic of needs. Because of this, she was mostly raised and taught by her old and blind grandmother Gue'Louh. Because of her mother's negligence, she often left home to harass the other children in the hamlet. Initially, the children were frightened of Nam'rae due to her prominent Nagaji features causing her to resent them. Often physically dominating the other children because of her larger size. This came to an end when one night a lizardfolk child convinced the others to help them kill Nam'rae with a knife. When they stabbed her, however, instead of blood a snake emerged from her body, frightening the children and causing them to flee. Wounded, Nam'rae ran home but couldn't get in as the door was locked and her pounding and screams were left unheard until she passed out. Gue'louh however snuck to let her in without her mother's knowledge and found her unconscious. 

         After she recovered from her injury, her family moved to the perimeter of a village. Her attack had caused her to become extremely fearful and paranoid, and as such she hardly left the house. After she had come of age, Nam'rae left home, despising the feeling of judgement her family seemed to have for her. Eventually she found a monastery and was recruited in to train under the teachings of the twin drakes. There is where she was taught how to fight without taking the life of another. Her life at the monastery had more structure than she was ever used too, and though she missed Gue'louh and her siblings, the monastery provided a safety she was fearful of losing. However, the nature of her oracle curse was never revealed to her. Though she was progressing, her feelings of resentment didn't leave. She blamed her curse for being an oucast and sought to find the origins to derive some meaning behind it. When she explained her fears to her grandmother, she revealed that she'd only ever find the answer to her curse by venturing out from the monastery. After being convinced by her grandmother, Nam'rae reluctantly prepared to embark upon her pilgrimage  

         The first years of her pilgrimage were the slowest, it took her months to even leave her home village, then the neighboring villages. However, the cities were the worst for her. The number of people rushing around proved too much for her to handle and she locked herself in an Inn. She stayed there for days, fearing even sending her regular letters home. Realizing her funds wouldn't let her stay forever, she began to realize a greater fear of being trapped in the city until she could afford to leave. Though the city walls made her feel claustrophobic and the people seemed to threaten her, she conceded in leaving the inn and venturing into the city. Taking it a step at a time, first leaving the room into the lobby, then the lobby to the deck, further and further she ventured becoming more comfortable with the organized chaos of the city. Needing to build up her funds again she remained in the city, doing simple tasks at first until one night in the Inn she stayed at, an adventuring party decided to stop by and rest. There she overheard them discussing the hauls of their adventures and the haul that they had brought. Nam'rae invaded their table and with their drunken state she was able to convince them to take her on their next outing.

         After working with them and acquiring funds of her own Nam'rae joined in on their entertainment full of vices. Because of her success with the party, she far more confident when interacting with other Lizardfolk. She found as though she was in her element when surrounded by others, loving to be the center of their attention and entertain them. A few months into adventuring with this party, they had been tasked with a manhunt. A murderous Lizardfolk, who sacrificed in the name of a forgotten Old God. The party and Nam'rae had tracked him down and confronted him in his lair. Believing themselves to have caught the cultist they let their guard down. Falling victim to an ambush laid for them, as cultists surrounded the party and killed two of the members instantly. Nam'rae and the remaining members attempted to escape, slowly losing one after another to the traps placed within their path. At the end of the path Nam'rae was given an escape by the last remaining member, as he used himself as bait to give her time. Witnessing his death as she fled scarred her and she vowed to never let a similar event occur again.

         After a time of rest she went back to various quests, prefering to work with others. She traveled like this for a year before being drawn to her original goal and venturing into foreign lands at last. While on the papacy she often visited the Grand Library during her investigations into her mystery. She continued to adventure until eventually recieving a notice from the Papacy and joining the party.



  • Quarterstaff proficiency
  • Divine magic
  • Platinum tongue

Unique Abilities

  • Skilled at dealing non-lethal damage
  • Visions of past life
  • Intelligent snake companion


Duchess Einris Moonhewer I

I think it's time we culled this party a bit, let's go by height.
― Soupy Turnabout

As such she finds it hard to find anything in common with the regal dwarf. She sees Einris' as a bully and her violent nature decisions and she quarrels with Einris often. Their few interactions with each other have almost all been hostile. They tend to pick on each other through each interaction. Nam'rae despises being left alone with her. She may try to find alternate avenues to convince the dwarf to change her decisions, such as through Heraim or Anri. Though she has enough respect of decency dwarf enough to provide her with water to bathe with, albeit begrudgingly. Though when indulging in vices their disposition turns more positive and they can speak to each other on more friendly terms.


Shouldn't your god do something about this?
― Confronted with army of undead

Nam'rae and Anri are on great terms and Nam'rae typically looks to Anri to find agreement on decisions to convince the party. During her arguments with Eirnis, Anri will usually come to Nam'raes aid. Nam'rae greatly appreciates the presence of the Paladin, seeing her as an anchor for sanity amidst their party's chaos. The passion Anri has for the group despite their differences drives her to remain even with the growing aggression towards Nam'rae. Their cultures being so intermingled allow Anri and Nam'rae to relate to each other more casually than other members, strengthening their bond. Nam'rae and Anri had met in the Grand Library before the party formed but only in passing. During her adventures Nam'rae has taken note that the paladin preferes to remain neutral within the party. Especially in regards to the Party's dwarf. After one night in particular, in which Nam'rae overheard their secret affair, she finds it harder to trust the Paladins seemingly comprismised judgement.


You sure are full of secrets aren't you, Heraim?
― Hag shack

Nam'rae and Heraim haven't spoken to eachother much as Nam'rae heavily associates him with his rowdy companion. Despite Einris' presence however, she finds Heraim as a kind of line of communication with the violent dwarf. She often uses him in attempts to sway Einris' actions and opinions. Despite his association with Einris, Nam'rae has the potential for a good relationship with Heraim. Even through their few positive interactions she can feel the energy between them, and the potential of a future companionship. She often doesn't have the chance to act on this however due to his proximity to Einris.

Nue Gai

- - --
― - -

Despite only being in the party for a short time, Nam'rae finds that Nue has grown on her. The short time after he joined the party has been filled with support for Nam'rae against Koyomi and Einris' antics. Nam'rae beleives he is the most trustworthy member of the party and she greatly enjoys her time spent with the short human.


Yes, You've ruined it.
― Lying to Koyomi

At times Nam'rae can almost find common ground with Koyomi, but her loyalty to Einris and her mischievousness at the expense of those Einris dislikes angers Nam'rae. Koyomi, though skilled, is wholey the most untrustworthy member of the party to Nam'rae. Taking note of all the time she has taken to take the most expensive trinkets from the dead before aiding her allies. Her alliegance to Einris also muddles their relationship, as with anyone close with the dwarf. Koyomi's newfound powers which she refuses to reveal the nature of causes her resentment for her to grow.


  • Nam'rae's story has been overhauled like 10 times
  • Initially, she was a kind of prophet
  • She has a horse named "Mystic Dotty"