
Basics ☾

Name Aviana Tanzer.
Age 23.
Birthday 6/7. ♓️
Height 5'7 | 170 cm.
Class Enchantress.
Allegiance Rigelian Empire, Lord Berkut.
Boons ↑↑ Strength and Speed.
Banes ↓↓ HP and Defense.
Personal Skill Dance | Allows an adjacent unit to move again after using their turn.

About ☾

The firstborn daughter of a pair of traveling minstrels recently granted titles among the nobility, Aviana is quite a character. Berkut discovered her at a party she had attended at the palace, but not been a performer at. He spotted her dancing and, seeing her great talent, approached her with conversation and the offer for a position among the palace's performers. In between such times, she spent her time performing at venues for the upper-class and, occassionally, at regular local taverns (although she dons a mask that covers her eyes, then).

Shortly after Fernand defected Zofia and joined Rigel as Berkut's vassal, the prince told him that they had an important ally to meet. That was how the two found themselves at a local tavern, surrounded by a room of inebriated patrons and the smell of sweat. Above it all, however, there was a young woman dancing on a stage at the end of the room. A mask hiding her eyes from sight, she was nonetheless enchanting, with the voice of a siren. Fernand needed to sit with his back to the entertainer in order to focus... only for her to be the person they came here for! She made herself cozy on his lap and removed her mask so he could see her (beautiful) face. This was only the beginning. Neither of them knew the pain that the future held.

It was then and there that Berkut requested she perform her duty as one of his personal vassals, since he had incorporated her family into its own house in the aristocracy, something she was more than happy to do... especially at the prospect of spending more time with his new handsome friend...

Inventory ☾️

Black Magic Tome [contains: Fire, Thunder, Sagittae, Mire, Death, and Nosferatu.]
White Magic Tome [contains: Nosferatu, Recover, Physic, and Rewarp.]
Ladyblade [+5 crit, doubles Might when carried by a female. Hexblade (deals magic damage) and Flamberge (deals magic damage).]
Stiletto A pretty stiletto that belonged to Aviana’s mother. To be used when in a bind. +5 def/spd; effective against armored units. Solaire (unit occasionally gains same amount of HP as damage dealt).
Magic Ring Sophisticate (Range +2; applicable to Black Magic only; restores some HP at start of Player Phase).

Relationships (!) ☾️


-- ( Mother )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


-- ( Father )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


-- ( Brothers )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


-- ( Uncles )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


Berkut ( lord )
At a performance within the walls of Rigel's castle itself, Berkut was the one who learned that the Tanzers -- despite being a family of exceptionally talented minstrels, dancers, thespians, and specialists of every other kind of the arts -- didn't have a proper house or title granted to them. It was Berkut who approached Aviana and asked her why such a skilled woman as herself had no proper estate for her and her family. It was Berkut who had the Emperor's ear, Berkut who allowed the Tanzers to have their own place in the aristocracy granted to them. Because of this, Aviana considered herself indebted to him for his graciousness, and was thus more than happy to serve as his vassal during the war with Zofia. She is very fond of him, feeling toward him as a proud older sister might feel.


Fernand ( love interest )
When Berkut arrived at the fine establishment where Aviana was performing, seeking her assistance in the war, she wasn't expecting him to have such an attractive new right-hand man. She knew at first sight from across the room that she wanted him and would do her absolute best to seduce him. As coworkers, however, what had initially started as mutual, blatant sexual attraction between them both, soon became true affection to Aviana as she got to know Fernand. As they spent more and more time together in life or death situations, they grew to depend on one another, even coming so far as to confide in one another about the inner conflicts they had about serving Berkut. This bond eventually came to a head whenever Aviana narrowly managed to save Fernand's life at the Altar of Duma, though they both carried scars from the traumatic experience: both physical ones and mental.


Rinea ( lady and friend )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


Laetitia ( friend )
Laetitia is one of the few more traditional girls that Aviana found herself taking a liking to. Aviana had met her prior to the events of Echoes due to their shares status performers for the crown. Also, true to her personality, Aviana doesn't judge Laetitia based on her draconic features, which causes Laetitia to realize that it is in fact possible to put her trust in humans, that there are those who aren't so bad to be around. She also finds enjoyment in watching Fernand and Aviana interact, finding the banter entertaining, as the show of camaraderie was always something she lacked for. However, whenever Berkut succombs to the darkness in his own heart and Laetitia bears witness to his fall, the sight is enough to drive her mad. She transforms into her feral dragon form and goes on a rampage.


Klarissa ( childhood friend )
As two girls from families that spent their lives travelling, it was only by chance that Klarissa and Aviana happened to meet near the border. They kept in contact for several years before Aviana fell out of contact once she left the church. However, fate wasn't so quick to have the two be gone entirely from each other's lives. Klarissa happened to join the Deliverance, while Aviana happened to be a vassal of Berkut, and the two ladies met again on the battlefield. It is at this point that the enchantress begins to wonder if she is fighting on the right side of the war, for a land that was always too cold to her and a country she never really felt she belonged in.


Celica ( half-sister )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.


Conrad ( half-brother )
Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificeteur nomen tuum dveniant regnum tuum fiat ovluntas tua sicut in caelo et in Terra. Panem nostrum, quotidianum die nobis hodie et dimited nobis debita nostra sicut et no dimmittimus debitoribus nostris et ne nos inducas tentatianum sed libra nos amalo quia tuum est regnam et potestas et gloria in saecula amen.

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