★ Cyrus




Full NameCyrus Hylton
AliasSai [佐井]
TitleNo.7 - The Realist

Gender(cis) Male - He/him
Age / DOB19 years ; February 28
Height165.2 cm / 5' 5"
Weight61.6 kg / 135.8 lbs

“'Ey! Nice day today, isn't it~!

Streetwise / Sociable / Fun-loving / Confident / Opportunistic / Insincere

Outgoing, energetic, and not afraid to communicate with others when approached, this boy is often seen hanging around various streets and corners of the neighbourhood, making idle chit-chat with his many acquaintances, his signature brown notebook in hand. Always with a charmingly confident smile on his face, he in fact almost always knows more than his carefreely easy-going attitude might imply!

Known to most others as "Sai", and as his actual name Cyrus to those more familiar with him, he is one of the most popular individuals with the locals. He is never one to turn down an opportunity of building a relationship with another person - who knows, perhaps he could become good friends with them! His connections reaches far and wide, as he appears to have a natural talent in taking note of even the most subtle of social cues and adjust incredibly quickly to another person's preferences. As easily as he can be described as a chatty, talkative person, he can just as easily switch to a polite, reserved persona when it is needed of him.

Though, it isn't like he does nothing outside of idling around. Not only has he been a long-time librarian, he is also known to be especially good at baking, having even won small-scale competitions with his skills. He seems to always be doing one thing or the other - after all, if you ask him, his goal in life would be to stay happy and "have the most fun possible", and just staying in place doing nothing isn't going to be fun at all now, is it!


  • Cookies
  • Daytime
  • Mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • Idle chit-chat


  • Sour food
  • Boredom
  • Formal events
  • Deadlines
Enneagram 7 w 6
Sin / Virtue Chastity / Greed
Arcana x. Wheel of Fortune
Handedness Right-handed
Blood Type B-
Orientation Aromantic Asexual
Voice Claim -











  • Fluent in both Japanese and English. Also knows basic French and Italian.
  • He's a mix of English, Scottish, and Japanese descent.
  • Has hyperopia. He has a pair of glasses he sometimes wears when reading.
  • Has a tendency to use "cute" or "fun" as his go-to compliments.
  • Collects keychains! He especially loves the cookie-shaped ones.
  • The notebook he carries around is actually a schedule book!
  • Is really proud of his cooking and baking skills, especially in baking cookies.
  • He dislocated his wrists once when he was trying to lift a huge pile of books. Therefore, he wears wrist braces in order to better protect them.