Xenos Maebara



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Unknown to him













Natural Skill

Lucky Break - Grants 100% Crit rate when paired up in either Attack or Guard stance. (Made up skill, not canon to the game)

Learned Skills

Touchlock, Movement +1, Point Blank


Bamboo Yumi, Mini Bow, Silver bow



  • Mozu - Potential Love Interest
  •  Zeo - Guard
  •  Vic - Retainer
  •  Iago - "Father"


Xenos is a sickly man who never learned why he had been dropped off at Castle Krakenburg or why he addresses Iago as a father but it's been that way since he was a young child. Being raised by servants, Xenos was rarely allowed outside and often found himself sneaking out to explore the small areas around Krakenburg, being berated and punished whenever he was caught. Part of his punishment was being used by Iago to test out spells and other brews and potions, which over time resulted in Xenos developing a weakening illness that causes coughing blood and dizziness. Iago is rather displeased by Xenos' referring to him as father and constantly uses it to mentally abuse the young man with guilt trips over the amount of magic and healing items wasted on him because of an illness "He developed all on his own." While a cruel man all Xenos wanted was for him to accept him even just a little bit is often too weak to muster up the anger or energy to fight back or argue.

His illness, however, didn't stop him from attempting to explore the land beyond the castle walls, which became easier as Iago stopped putting guard considering Xenos can't move for too long or too far before collapsing. Xenos wanted to push himself, convinced that the more he moved the faster he would heal, not realizing it just kept his body in a sort of stasis of illness neither improving or worsening. It was during this travel that he encountered Vic who returned him to the castle and requested to be his retainer after hearing Xenos admit he didn't have friends and explain the punishments from his "father". It took another few rounds of punishments til Iago was satisfied enough to allow Xenos have Vic as a retainer and left the two alone most days. 

Xenos and Vic made a steady friendship often keeping each other sane as the dark dreary world of Nohr seemed to grate away at them. It was a few years later when Xenos heard the royal family was going to war, he pleaded with Iago to let him go and prove he could be useful despite the illness. Iago was hesitant to release his test subject so easily but gave in after Xenos promised to complete really hard missions with Vic. It was during this time that his natural luck seemed to shoot his abilities sky high, allowing him to "level" quickly and discover a rare tome that taught him point blank. After the tasks were complete Xenos was assigned Zeo as a guard so he could return back to Nohr safely. Which to Xenos meant his "father" must have cared, however to Iago it was just an order for Zeo to bring him back for more testing.

Xenos joined Xander's army and began to show his true strength by the battle at Cyrkensia, where he helped fight off invisible enemies.


Fact: Some could say that Xenos' true boon in more Resitance than Luck but considering he hasn't died yet from all the stuff Iago puts him through, it's pure luck he's still around.

Fact: While he is extremely fragile that high luck stat and natural skill can be a real last minute saviour of a battle, however, it's a high-risk high reward type deal.

Fact: Xenos' movement has improved as he'd carried on in the army, hence forth the learned skill of move +1