f800 (flicker)



5 years, 6 months ago


f800 is only the subjects account number falure 800.

she was meant to be destroyed and moved on. but she was rescued from destruction by 404

and given the name flicker.

flicker was an attempt at making 404 her self an earlier model if you will.

using the illusional power of a zoruark and the mental power of a delphox

not that 404 cares what flicker was supposed to be she only what flicker is now

flicker is her kid next to 503. yet unlike 503 flicker is shy and quiet. not really able to say much vocally do to heavy damage to her vocal cords. she is abel to speak mentally but even then she is to shy to do such most time not wanting to worry anyone or intrude.

yet if flicker does see someone in danger or being bullied all pets are off as she has a deep set protection instinct something she herself can't even control as it takes over her being and she deals with the visible threat. some time violently...one of the reasons she was marked as a failureĀ