. h a r p .'s Comments

FuuMiku foolishbedcrawler


This character is up for offerz!1! I am seeking art/trades. I'd prefer Art > Characterz.

This character is also part of a major WTA event I am holding1! So if you'd like to write for them, feel free 2 do so!! (Though, offering heightenz your chance at obtaining this character1!1)

Please ping my main account, SM1LECHARGE when posting an entry. If offering, please either ping my main in your offer or DM my main!1!

(MajesticPineapplez I will def send it over if thee two don't have any offers! Just letting you know since I prioritize offers over entries. :])



Basic info:

Name: Harper "Harp" Fax

Gender: Female


Harper or "Harp" was a cupid that got kicked out of heaven. Although not much is known about why, it's believed that Harper was the reason for an angel's death. After Harper lost her wings, she began to live her new life on Arth (10/10 original name). She started college, made some new friends, and tried to leave her old life behind. But after realizing that her powers weren't taken away from her, she thinks that maybe her work isn't done after all.

Harper has the ability to make anyone fall in love instantly. However, she can't make anyone fall in love her. After having a particular bad day, she figured out that she can also cause people to hate each other (she might've accidentally made her crush breakup with their boyfriend soooo...). Although she feels guilty when she splits people up, she tries to use her powers to stop toxic relationships from progressing. Of course, sometimes she still uses her powers for more....malicious reasons...but she finds that bringing people together is much more therapeutic than breaking them up.

Eventually her powers catch the attention of a reaper. This reaper begins to follow Harper and attempts to maker her life miserable in order to take her soul. But things don't go as the reaper planned, and they slowly start to develop feelings for Harper.

starryiris could i claim please? ^^